7 Secret Tips For Texting That Attract Girls Like Crazy

7 Secret Tips For Texting That Attract Girls Like Crazy Image
Everyone can give tips for texting things that girls like, but today you'll get tips for texting things that girls LOVE and most guys don't know about.

Because today I've got some "tips for texting girls" for you that guys who are incredibly successful with texting (guys like players and dating gurus) would hate to share with you because they make the dating game a hell of a lot easier.


But it was worth it because don't you, too, want to make the dating game a hell of a lot easier for yourself by making texting girls so easy a baby could do it?

In short: move over amateurish tips for texting that you can easily come up with yourself. Make room for pro tips from insiders that you won't find anywhere else...



It's text-based.

Sure, you only have text to attract girls with... where you have your body language, eye contact, your voice tone, clothing style, and more in person. But you know what?

You CAN'T store every conversation you have with girls face-to-face, but you CAN store every conversation you have via text.

"I can almost hear you think: "Why is this one of the best tips for texting?"

Think about it man: the more girls you meet, the more it becomes clear to you that you often find yourself in similar situations with them:

- Girls are shopping and you're texting them about it

- You're texting girls about exes, how guys and girls think about each other and other dating-related topics

- Girls are going out or in a club right now and you're texting them about it

Not all girls are made equal, but they often like to do similar stuff. Shopping, talking about dating, gossiping, partying, drinking, fashion, sunbathing, and so on and so forth.


Because since you can't avoid texting girls about similar stuff, why not take note of which replies you sent got the best reaction? If you tease a girl about sunbathing in a certain way and you notice she's laughing her ass off, then save that text message somewhere or write it down.

"I don't care how you store a text message for later use, as long as you do it you'll be a master of attracting girls through text thanks to these tips for texting in no time..."

Because next time a different girl starts talking about sunbathing as well?

You re-use what you've already said before instead of forcing yourself to figure out what to text a girl over and over. Plus, it won't be long before you figure out what the majority of girls respond extremely well too because you'll see patterns.

The result: over time you will end up with several great things to say to girls via text that always attract them.

So, if you only remember one of the tips for texting I'll give you today, make sure it's this one because it's the most powerful of the bunch.



Because the weekend (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) is a MAJOR exception to the rule. Keep using tips for texting, and tips for getting girls in general, and you'll find that every rule has awesome exceptions, but that's an entirely different story...

Why is the weekend different you ask?

Because texting is a means to an end. Texting gets you the date, but not the girl. That's why you should see texting girls as the step before victory, not as victory itself... unless you don't mind becoming pen pals with every single girl you meet

Whether you like it or not, the weekend is party time. Most girls who have a life love to go to the clubs and bars Friday through Sunday, hell, on Thursday too if they're college chicks...

"So why not use that to your advantage? Here are some tips for texting to use it to your advantage..."

Okay, say you get a girls number on Monday. Not many people go out on Monday, so stick to whatever rule it is that you're following about how long you should wait with contacting her.

Now let's say it's one of the days in the weekend. If you get a girls number during the day, then why not text her later that night and tell her to meet you in club XYZ?

Hell, if you get a number in club XYZ on night 1, then why not text that girl on day 2 and tell her to meet you at the same place, same time on night 2?


- It will feel like a date to her whether other people (her friends or yours) are there or not

- It's much easier to kiss and go crazy in a club where people lose their inhibitions with alcohol or without it, then for example in the middle of the street

- If there is alcohol involved, it could make it easier. I'm not saying you should make girls drunk and act like a rapist. All I'm saying is alcohol CAN help you out a little.




Because chances are you're texting multiple girls at the same time. I mean, why wouldn't you be because not every girl you text will end up dating you

So you need to spread your eggs across multiple baskets instead of putting them in one.

"Anyways, if you're texting girls (multiple of them), then why not text them at the same time? Did you forget that you can send one text message to more than 1 person?"

I'm talking about a mass text here. Sending the same thing to a few girls at once. In case you wonder when you would use tips for texting such as mass texts, then here are some examples:

1) It's the weekend and you want to see who is ready to "date" you in a local club or bar, then why not text several girls? If one cancels, you'll have others. If they can all make it, then you'll have the time of your life if you meet them in different clubs!

2) You want to organize a party at your place. You know several girls that like you and invite them all. Some cancel but some will come. Because they like you and see you flirting with one of the others, they get jealous. Making girls jealous can get you dates VERY fast.

3) You want to go on a date, but not get cancelled on. Then mass text girls so there will always be one who can make it, cancel the others, and you'll seem hard to get for them = you become more attractive to them!



I hate to give bad news to people, but when a girl's single you're not the only one she gives her number to 9 out of 10 times. So, you need to stand out.


Okay, let's say you just got a cute girl's number. Instead of walking away, stand next to her after you get the number, and text her pretending she's someone else.

How? By saying something along the lines of:

"Wow! I just met this cute looking girl and it seems like she has a fantastic personality! I would love to take her out some time..."

Of course, she will read your text, be surprised and shy, and then you pretend to get shy and tell her you were supposed to send that to your best friend instead of her.

Then you can immediately ask her out now she already knows you want to!



Here's the deal:

- Carefully approach the place where you two are supposed to meet and wait until you see her (make sure she doesn't see you). She'll probably wonder where you are...

- Text her and tell her you're waiting for her and just saw the most beautiful girl and she was wearing... (describe exactly what she's wearing: colors, clothing style, etc.)

- Then walk up to her and tell her you saw her

Now THAT is how you show a genuine interest in a woman and make her shy and attracted to you!



Because when you have the balls to do this, it's very, very... very unlikely that a girl will NOT give you her number.

That's because you'll be showing a loooot of confidence with this move.

Here's the deal:

The moment you want to get her number, don't ask for it. Tell her to wait a second because you think you just got a text message. And while you're checking your phone, she's thinking to yourself that you're incredibly rude...

So guess how surprised she'll be when you say you just got a text from her but don't know how to reply because you don't have her number?

Then tell her to give you her number so you can text back (and if you really want to be smooth, then "text her back" and say that yes you're not, but she's hotter).

It's a bold move, it's cocky...

But I've seen it work. I've seen all the tips for texting I've given you today work in my own life AND in other people's lives, even when they weren't players or dating gurus...

These techniques have given a lot of people some amazing results with women


And if you want even more highly effective texting tips that attract girls like crazy and get you dates, I highly recommend you get the FREE tips inside my Calling Girls and Texting Girls Newsletter.

Don't wait... get those free tips right away, okay?

I hope you liked these secret "tips for texting", as I put a lot of time in getting them from some of the best players and dating gurus I know!

"Check out the rest of the How To Text A Girl series."

To More Dating Success,

Carlos Xuma

Win With Women

P.S. Want more awesome tips about what I talked about just now? About how to call women and text women and get a date out of it, and more? Then click here now to check out my Calling Women and Texting Women Newsletter.

Suggested free e-books to read:

John Alanis - Secrets Of Natural Attraction Product
John Alanis - Secrets To Reading Attraction Signals

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Hypnosis Mind Power Can Beat Pain

Hypnosis Mind Power Can Beat Pain Image
An article about a hypnotherapist in the UK.

"An Ipswich man who believes mind power can conquer anything, and watched him in action. Plagued by chronic pain in his legs, pensioner Ron Page was at his wits' end.Respite from the agony came only when he was asleep and even then it was only ever a matter of hours before the constant ache became so bad that it woke him up again. Heavy duty pain-killers prescribed to him by doctors failed to stop the involuntary twitching in his legs and courses of acupuncture proved futile. Believing that nothing could solve the problem it was in sheer desperation that he decided to give Ipswich-based hypnotherapist Jason Newland a try.

Arthritis sufferer Ron Page "A friend of mine saw his card in the post office and told me about it," said Ron."I just thought I might as well give it a go as I've tried everything else - acupuncture, a chiropractor. "This is a last resort really!" For six weeks Jason has been visiting Ron in his Norwich Road home, and he invited us along to watch a session.

Sitting in his wheelchair, Ron closed his eyes as Jason's soothing voice took hold. Slowly and calmly Jason asked Ron to relax, to listen to all the noises around him and feel them fading in to the background. Once Ron was completely still he asked him to feel the pain in his foot and to give it a colour and a shape. "A blue square," Ron murmured in a drowsy voice. "Good," said Jason. "Now change it in to another colour and shape.

"This routine was repeated several times before Jason eventually asked him to imagine that shape being frozen and turning in to a block of ice. In Ron's mind this 'ice' was then left to sit in a garden and melt away in the sunshine before Jason slowly brought him out of his trance-like state. Although looking slightly bleary-eyed, Ron was immediately able to talk coherently about the experience. "You don't feel that you're just gone," he said. "I can hear him talking and I can hear noises in the room, but you just relax and focus on his voice and forget about everything else."

Jason explained: "Some people would call it a trance, but it's really a state of absolute relaxation."All the background noises are still there. It's very much like when you are on a beach sunbathing and you're completely relaxed. You can still hear all the noises around you, but you might sort of jolt awake. "I get people to visualise their pain in different ways, to see it as a colour or as a shape, and to then visualise that shape moving away from their body. That way they are using a different sensory organ and everything is not focused on the actual physical pain."

In Ron's case, the problems with his right leg began years ago and, despite a major operation, have never really gone away. He said: "Initially they thought it was to do with a trapped nerve but I've developed arthritis in my ankle now. I used to do a lot of sports years ago and I think that's taken its toll.

"The pain starts in my ankle and spreads across the top of my foot and up through my leg, and because I haven't been able to get about as much, both of my ankles get swollen." Ron, 74, can't walk far, but can get up to answer his door, and manage the stairs in his house.He admits he was cynical about hypnotherapy but has been genuinely surprised by the quick results.

"The pain is not as bad as it was. I used to sit here and every now and again my leg would jump."The muscles go into spasms and I can't control it, which is really painful, but over the last few weeks that seems to have stopped. I can now sit here without it twitching all the time."I really notice the difference at night too.

It used to start twitching as soon as I laid down when I went to bed but that's got much better. I can actually get a good night's sleep now and that hasn't happened for ages."I know it's not going to be 100 per cent perfect and that I'm never going to be able to get up and run again, but it helps relieve things."For Jason, 35, seeing the change in Ron has been hugely rewarding. The practising Buddhist, who works in insurance during the day, has chosen to offer his services free-of-charge."People always ask me why I'm doing it for free," said Jason.

"They're very cynical about why I don't want to make any money out of it, but I'm a Buddhist and believe very strongly in giving something to someone without getting anything back from it."Seeing the reactions and the difference in people I treat is enough reward for me.

"Recognising the limits of his hypnotic ability is also important for Jason. "I believe I can help anyone, but what I have to stress to people is that I'm not a doctor, I can't get rid of the causes of pain altogether. "I will only perform hypnotherapy on someone who has checked that their doctor is happy with it first."The first time I came round here his ankle was so swollen that all I did was some relaxation techniques. "I didn't want to focus on his leg or the pain there until he had been to the doctor and checked that it would be okay for him to see me."

Jason, of Hadleigh Road, has been practising hypnotherapy for many years and has qualified as a Master Practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) which brings together lots of different therapies, including hypnotherapy.

He said: "Everyone has feelings of confidence and relaxation in them somewhere and what I do is give them a short cut to tap into them. It's a bit like a computer - all those emotions are there on the hard drive but you need some way of accessing them quickly. "In recent months he has started has decided offering hypnotherapy free of charge, and is building up a core of clients with wideranging problems.

He said: "One lady I have been seeing is preparing for a major operation and is absolutely petrified at the thought of it, so we have been working on relaxation techniques. Another man was going in to hospital for some invasive medical procedures and I actually worked with him in the hospital to help calm him down. I've also helped people prepare for driving tests and overcome a fear of flying."While Jason's hypnotherapy work is currently restricted to evenings and weekends his ultimate aim is to use his skills within hospitals. He said: "The NHS is becoming much more open to alternative therapies and I really believe that I could help a lot of people."

Suggested free e-books to read:

Michael Hall - The Users Manual For The Brain
Amargi Hillier - Mind Power Seduction
Dylan Morgan - Hypnosis For Beginners

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Social Psychology Leadinggoogle Brett Johnson On Lemon Leadership

Social Psychology Leadinggoogle Brett Johnson On Lemon Leadership Image
Interesting stuff for anyone interested in leadership. [More below the video.] They seem to be suggesting a variation of integral leadership.

ATGOOGLETALKS - April 23, 2010 - LEMON Leadership is a unique twist on leadership that helps leaders understand how they are wired, why they see the world differently, what they consider to be work, how they filter what they hear, what they say and how to build and participate in effective teams. LEMON Leadership is not about styles or preferences, but uncovers your leadership DNA while giving fresh strategies for how to be most effective.

Brett Johnson founded The Institute for Innovation, Integration ">


Leaders lead out of their identity. It doesn't matter too much what their style, university or ethnicity may be. The key is to know what "type" of leader you are. Brett Johnson has released a new book, LEMON Leadership, writing about five types of leaders:




"O"rganizers, and


Find out more about our BAGS OF LEMONs that can address specific opportunities or issues in your organization.

The book is available at Amazon, and here is the product description:


Why another book about leadership? The authors work involves meeting with many leaders from around the world each year, and they all have this in common: they want to have impact. They have mastered their craft and moved beyond the basics of running and organization. Best Practices are routine. They are looking at the deeper life issues. This inevitably brings them to the topic of leadership, and more specifically, who they are. This book is not a How To of leadership, but a Who are you? book that considers leadership in a fresh way. Those who work at the coalface of human need are convinced that the lack of leaders is the number one issue in the world today. This stems partly from the fact that our definitions of leadership are too narrow - incomplete. We know lots about entrepreneurs and mangers, but there are other types of leaders about which we know precious little. LEMON Leadership(R) expands our view of leadership to cover five distinct types of leaders; not styles, not temperaments, not preferences...types. The simple truths about LEMON Leadership(R) have transformed the lives of individual leaders and changed the working of executive teams. Understanding the truisms in this book will radically increase your impact.The following is their "About" statement regarding their mission and perspective.

OUR STORY IS ONE OF INTEGRATION. Not in the traditional sense of integrating processes and systems, but knitting together the various domains of business and the rest of life. For decades, business has prided itself on efficiency. This came to mean the insulation of the corporation from outside distractions - the rational triumphing over the relational. For the individual, this inevitably meant the isolation of work life from personal life.

As we worked with executives and their corporations through the mid 1990s, we saw numerous reasons why this had to change. We began a deliberate process of creating tools and methods that would help leaders to define and achieve impact in an integrated way - a way that embraced all of life.

Today we continue to push the edge by creating intellectual products and uncommon experiences that help clients get on the road to Impact through Innovation ">OUR PREMISE

The Institute for Innovation, Integration ">Every person and corporation wants to have an IMPACT. And they want that impact to be greater than short-term optimization of market share, product positioning, earnings or title. We all want long-term, sustainable impact with a capital "I"
* IMPACT is best achieved when aspects of corporate and individual life are aligned, or INTEGRATED behind a clear purpose. Dichotomized thinking lessons lasting Impact.
* Fresh thinking - INNOVATION - is needed to both define Impact, and to devise strategies to achieve it.


* INTEGRATION - treating life as a cohesive whole
* HOSPITALITY - the glue that holds spheres of life together, and provides an authentic hothouse for leaders
* EXCELLENCE - not the best all the time, but the right thing, a the right time, in a measurable
* TRUST - the underpinning of relationships, business and others
* RELATIONSHIP - people are the bottom line
* SERVICE - the main job of a leader is to serve


We learned over time that having Values was not enough. In 2001 we began a process of defining our philosophy of business, if you like, and documented our Foundational Principles. Extracts of these include: The Institute's ultimate goal is to repurpose corporations and leaders so that they discover and implement a personal and corporate calling, thereby transforming people, societies and nations.

The corporation serves the calling just as a new wineskin serves new wine.

The Institute is a vehicle for the integration of Career, Community, Creativity and Calling.

Sustained Impact comes when people discover and walk out their identity.

As we sow generously, we will reap generously.

The integration of business and philanthropy should always be self-sustaining.

Relationships are trusts that must be stewarded carefully.

Business-as-community is a crucible for walking out our Call.

Multicultural, interdisciplinary teams have greater societal impact.

Work has inherent value and is not just building a Career.

People everywhere will benefit if they experience a non-dichotomized life.

Tags: leadership, Integral, culture, Psychology, Google, LEMON Leadership, Brett Johnson, The Institute for Innovation Integration & Impact, work-life balance, five types of leaders, Luminaries, Entrepreneurs, Managers, Organizers, Networkers, integral leadership

Suggested free e-books to read:

Paul Scheele - Photoreading Third Edition Ocr Version
Elizabeth Leary - 10 Min Guide To Leadership

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Social Psychology Why Our God Like Nlp Is Cutting Edge Stuff

Social Psychology Why Our God Like Nlp Is Cutting Edge Stuff Image

Dear Friend,

In 1989 I met a famous hypnotist at a 20,000 seminar.

He called me this Saturday and we spoke for 2 hours. I told him what I'd learned about selling on Ebay after 4 months. He passed on some of his wisdom. And he is sending me some of his most recent Cutting Edge material.

Here's a Totally new and powerful GOD-LIKE NLP strategy. An idea so simple you can use it with EVERYONE around you. To LEAD and influence them.

I told the NLP guru an idea I'd just heard from a Network member. It sounded powerful to me.

This guru recognized it. He said,"

"I recognize that. A 75 year old man is the inventor of that tactic. He is THE #1 most expert NLP Master in the USA today. He makes Bandler & Grinder look like beginners."

Then he told me three new strategies to use on top of the one I'm giving you FREE just below.

Most of us have been taught -

To get into deep trance and rapport - imitate or mirror EVERYTHING the other person does. This #1 NLP MASTER says, "No" to that.

He says to, "Watch for one or two habitual movements a person makes. Like pushing their glasses up. Or pushing their hair back behind an ear. Or a frown when you ask a question. Something that person does subconsciously (automatically) - and only they do. (Imitate just that one action to powerfully influence them!)

Ignore the rest. Just imitate or mirror that one thing.

Quick and deeper rapport will follow. This means they LIKE you. Thus you can influence and lead them!

Try it and let me know how this works for YOU!

Vibrations of how you treat others make you a pebble in a pond,

Glenn Osborn

Suggested free e-books to read:

David Deangelo - Double Your Dating Bridges
Paul Janka - Getting Laid In Nyc Technology For The Single Man

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She Gets A Dose Of Crazy Sexual Attraction From The Bad Boy

She Gets A Dose Of Crazy Sexual Attraction From The Bad Boy Image
One of the blogs I like most to frequent is Ferdinand's. His In Mala Fide blog is perhaps the best pop conservative sites out there. The term Pop Conservative is not meant as a slight, it's likely to be far more influential that a highbrow blog since it adopts a style that the average man can appreciate. I like his site not because he mentions my blog, but rather he promotes other blogs which are far more interesting than mine. One that has caught my eye and has impressed me no end is Athol Kay's, Married Man Sex Life. Really, although the blog title might be a bit off putting--he really should call it Wife Management 101--the blog is definitely worth the read. Why? Because Athol "gets" the big picture.

The Roissysphere tends to view relationships as purely sexual. A man status and happiness are measured by the quality of the lay. A man banging 10's is more Alpha and happier than a man banging 8's. While there is a great deal of truth to this in high school, in reality adult relationships need much more than simple sexual attraction. That's not to say that sexual attraction is not important--social conservatives please note--rather grown ups tend to want other things as well: stability, friendship, love etc. Neil Strauss, the populiser of Game realised this; his own relationship with Lisa Leveridge failed. He could pull in the hotties but it appears he couldn't keep them.

The curious paradox is that what seems to keep relationships going long term is a combination of both alpha and beta traits. A man has to possess characteristics which both turn a woman sexually on and turn her off. In Roissy's taxonomy of men, the males are divided into Alpha, Beta and Omega. But Roissy only measures by the ability to get laid. Instead Athol Kay--who is focusing on long term relationships-- builds on this and proposes the Gamma male:

(I've shamelessly borrowed this image and text from his site. It's brilliant)

The Omega Male is easiest to dispense with. He's just devoid of positive qualities and only the most desperate of women would desire to mate with him. Even then he'll likely need up being supported by her to some degree. Avoid him.

The pure Alpha Bad Boys certainly do pull the women, but the relationships tend to be short as eventually the women become uncomfortable with the lack of comfort building support. There's plenty of excitement, and sizzling sex as the attraction is definitely there for her, but she knows from the beginning its not going to last, but she is drawn to him anyway.

The pure Beta Nice Guy also pull women, but they pull differently. They "make sense" on an intellectual level and they are very comfortable to live with. More than likely they are too comfortable, and the woman tends to want to see a display of dominance of some sort before she becomes fully attracted to him. Ultimately the nice guys are just too sexually boring to women to remain completely focused on one. Queue the "I love you, but I'm not in love with you speech". What is often seen in young women is ping ponging between bad boys and nice guys - she gets a dose of crazy sexual attraction from the bad boy, but then she needs the comfort building and she seeks it from a nice guy, and then the cycle repeats over and over until the music stops around age 35 and she's scrambling to find a chair anywhere.

The ideal is the Gamma Male. Not often talked about, but they are out there. Usually a Gamma is an Alpha Male that "grew up" and toned down the antics slightly and started being socially conscious and more of a team player. Or they started as a Beta Male that "grew a pair" and started bumping back on the rest of the world rather than just taking it lying down. Either way works as a route. Like Jean-Luc Picard, Gammas use diplomacy but when required to they will respond with adept force. Mostly they are consciously aware of both their own natures, and the needs of women. They adjust on the fly to the situation, sometimes hard, sometimes soft. Gamma's are the true ideal, but I think the Alpha and Beta terms are so ingrained, that it is simply easier to broken record the idea that if you're too Alpha the solution is to add Beta, and if you're too Beta the solution is to add Alpha. You already know what your weak area is. Work on that for easy gains.A couple of points. Firstly, these are pretty astute social observations and they square up with what I see in practice. Implicit in Mr Kay's observations are that women are sexual beings and that there is a sexual dimension to normal male female relationships. Secondly, for a male, being "nice" alone just doesn't cut the mustard as a woman needs a sexual dimension to the relationship for it to go anywhere; women are inherently sexual beings. Religious conservatives please note, sexual desire isn't something that "foreign" to the female ideal, it's part and parcel of the female package. The romantic meme, that the way to woman's virtue is via the path of "niceness", flaunts real world observation and is not congruent with reality. Finally, when women are asked what type of guy they like, a nice guy is usually the answer. What they of course mean is a nice guy who makes them hot and horny.

The Roissysphere has popularised the notion of the Alpha male. And really, if a life of Hedonism is your goal then that's all you need. Because it's quite apparent that women--when freed from social mores--are just as superficial judges of character as most men are. In our current bathhouse culture, women are more likely to be motivated by their loins than their heart in the choice of a bed mate, especially when drunk. So if your aim is to bed as men women as you can, being Alpha is all that matters. The Beta traits, the traits that are the foundation of lasting love, domestic awe, industry, prosperity are unnecessary. But if these things matter to you, then your going to have to cultivate both alpha and beta traits you're going to have to strive to be a gamma male.

Really, nice guys don't finish last. It's nice guys without alpha traits that finish last.

Read Athol Kay's blog. Its very very good.

(N.B. I don't agree with everything he says, I disagree with his pharmacological opinions i.e how the pill works and the use of anti-depressant medication, but his understanding of psychology in my opinion is spot on.)

Suggested free e-books to read:

John Alanis - Secrets Of Natural Attraction Product
Steve Scott - How To Amplify Sexual Attraction Through Text Messaging

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Date A Woman In Prison

Date A Woman In Prison Image
James asks...


This is my situation:

-He is my old teacher from a univ. class I've taken.

-He is a phd student at the university I attend.

-He lives with his girlfriend.

-I am in a long term relationship with someone else, but things haven't been working OUT well between me and my boyfriend.

-I have a crush on this person.

Would things be awkward if I ASKHIMOUTFORCOFFEE knowing he has a girlfriend? Would my action hint HIM I have a crush on HIM?


It might be a little awkward considering his an old teacher of yours, but if the age isnt that very far apart then that shouldnt be an issue.

However i suspect you will be declined considering he lives with his girlfriend and most likely asking him to coffee would hint the having a crush.

Maybe try just talking to him as a friend first and then being like we should hang out sometime or something like that.

Carol asks...


This is not your typical prof-student love story, though it has similarities with many. I was 19 the first time I saw HIM in the hall and found HIM attractive immediately, though I bet most wouldn't. I generally date smart weirdos, and he caught my attention instantly. After enrolling and dropping OUT of college a few times, I found myself in the classroom with HIM at 25. My initial judgment of smart weirdo was correct- he was everything I'd hoped FOR: quirky, honest, creative, gentle, intelligent. I did my best to keep the attraction a secret, working to keep the lusty stares to a minimum during class. This was mainly OUT of shyness and respect FOR his job (and my education!) I made it through the semester with HIM, and the current semester will be my last (I am getting ready to transfer, woo!). I'm still curious: what makes HIM tick? What does his hair feel like? What is that necklace peeking OUT of his shirt collar? I must know. So: now the question is how to proceed and when exactly? He knows who I am, but is not the type to flirt with students, at all. I've never seen it- which is part of why I never tried. I want to know if this crush (that has been going on since '03!) is justified- I want to see HIM outside campus. I think my rationality is part of what makes the whole thing plausible- I am not uncontrollably obsessed, and I refuse to be used in some sort of "power" thing. I just would really like to find OUT- ASKHIMOUT, see if he's the quality of person I'd like to see more of, take it from there.

I know that alot of naysayers will probably respond: "I was 18, we was 45, he lied when he said he was single!", "he broke my heart!", "its unethical and probably risky" - save it, I know. I understand you're trying to help, but no thank you, I'm ready to find OUT even if it means I might get hurt. I'm asking COFFEEFOR heavens sake, the worst he can do is say no. My mind is pretty much made up, I'm interested in hearing from people who actually made a move, FOR better or worse, how they approached it, and the fall-OUT.

Let's hear it, folks!


Engage him in a conversation. Tell him you are transferring to another college in February (or whenever). Ask him if he'd like to have a cup of coffee with you (Barnes & Noble or name a place) in March.

I met up with a secret crush several years later and found the interest I had in him was all in my head. He was nothing like I remembered. We just had a couple of drinks and went our separate ways.

A teacher friend of mine had a student ask him out and they dated for several months. There was a 20 year gap in their ages. They even lived together for a while until she discovered he was just too quirky.

My dad (a jr high math teacher) often was asked out by former students and he politely turned them down - he was married. He wasn't flattered. It irritated him. (I overheard him complaining.)

I say go for it, but wait until the month before you transfer. Most schools have rules against dating active (at that school) students.

Joseph asks...


I was talking to this guy i met, we flirted a bit on facebook but i got bored of that. I told HIM to come with me to the movies and he said yes, we never went. I don't see HIM as a potential boyfriend or anything, i just want to be friends. Should i ASKHIMOUTFORCOFFEE?


Sure. If he accepts a movie, you should definately ask him out for coffee. That would strenghthen your friendship.

Chris asks...


If I see a goodlooking guy on the street, and he is a complete stranger. What are the chances that he will say yes if I approach HIM and said something like "hi, would you like to go OUTFORCOFFEE sometime?"

If that line doesnt work, what will?

I read about researchers who did a study on this before.



Not with a line like that. Better would be. "Say, I dislike drinking coffee alone. Would you join me for a few minutes, please?"

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* First Date Blink 182
* Ask A Girl Out On Valentine's Day
* Date A Man With No Car
* Date A Woman In Prison
* Dating After Divorce

Suggested free e-books to read:

Scott Peck - Dating And Falling In Love
Sebastian Low - Attract Women Now

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Get A Girlfriend Fast Special Instructions For Guys

Get A Girlfriend Fast Special Instructions For Guys Image
We know that you wish there was, but there is no magical wand that you can wave around in the air and get a girlfriend fast - there isn't even a magical potion. When you are looking to get a girlfriend, you have to do all of the actions. Let us continue this article by giving you some tips on getting a girlfriend

I learned how to get a girlfriend fast and easy. READ MY STORY HERE!

First of all, you can start off by going to the gym. There are not only plenty of girls in the gym, but this is a great way for you to build up those muscles. We do not know what it is, but is seems that girls are attracted to guys who work out. While you are working out, if a girl approaches you, then feel free to ask her out on a date. If you see a girl that keep staring at you, then walk over and speak with her. Start of by a simple "hello" and see where it leads you.

Ugly? poor? Fat? Who cares! READ HOW I PICK UP GIRLS ANYWAY!

Sometimes, the quickest way to get a girlfriend is to go for the girls that you personally know already. This way, you have a foundation that you can build off of. The girl you are with should feel comfortable with you. Make sure you freshen yourself up a bit before each date and don't be afraid to go to the mall and pick up a new outfit for that perfect night.

Learn the secrets I used to get a girlfriend fast. CLICK HERE!

When you are speaking with the girl and she does not seem interested, then stop and say something like "wow, I got a bit carried away there for a bit. Don't you think?" Let her take the reins. If she doesn't, then start a new subject that she will be comfortable with. It may also be best to try to listen to the girl more than you talk.

Most of all, when you are looking to get a girlfriend fast, you need to make sure it is for all of the right reasons. You do not need to get a girlfriend just so that you can look cool

Are you tired of women passing you by without a second glance?

I used to be too CLICK HERE! Read how I learned to uncover powerful insider secrets that SKYROCKETED my sex life!

Suggested free e-books to read:

Tiffany Taylor - Guy Gets Girl Advanced Seduction Edition
Clare Walker - Get A Girlfriend Now 12 Secrets Every Man Should Know
C Kellogg - How To Get A Girlfriend The Seven Essential Skills For Attract Woman Of You Dreams

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One Girlfriend Can Be Enough If You Stay Busy

One Girlfriend Can Be Enough If You Stay Busy Image
The key to this is, if guys work on developing this part of their life and work on becoming more attractive as a person they can ultimately make the decision. The problem that most guys face when they haven't had a lot of success and they don't feel like they've got an abundance of beautiful women out there in the world they can pick from is that they don't really get the opportunity to make a choice.

What I find with many clients that I work with is they will start at a really low place, but they will start to implement some of the philosophies that we teach as part of the DiCarlo Coaching program. They will start to feel a little bit of momentum. Maybe they'll be able to start to approach girls without any fear or hesitation. Then they might find that girls become more attracted and they start getting more confident. Maybe they'll have their first sexual experience in years, sometimes ever.

When that happens, ultimately they are now incorporating much better philosophies and they have a skill set that girls will find attractive. Girls will start to see them as an option to date. When guys get to that point they often find themselves in a complete predicament, because they like the girl, like the idea of being in a relationship, but also like the thought of exploring other possibilities.

Generally it's the reason why guys come to get coaching in the first place. But at the same time they are enjoying the process of this self-discovery and personal development and certainly enjoying the idea of multiple women seeing them as attractive.

Guys then feel like the weight of the world is crushing them, because they have to make it some way or the other. What I encourage guys in that situation to do is to just step back and recognize any decision you make doesn't have to be binding. You can make a decision and then three months down the track look to change that decision.

So if you decide to get yourself into an exclusive relationship and have one girlfriend, it's not necessarily permanent. If it's not working out for you, you can be honest, authentic and have that discussion with your girlfriend and tell her you need that little bit more space and you like the idea of continuing on this journey.

Likewise if you decide not being in a relationship is the right fit for you now, there's nothing saying it won't be the right fit for you in a later point in time. If you are honest with the person you were seeing you will be surprised how often they are open on continuing something on a more casual basis.

I think the right time to get into a relationship is a decision that ultimately every guy needs to make from his heart. It's not an intellectual decision. Go with your heart and get a sense of what feels right. When you make that decision, stick to it. In a month's time or a few weeks' time, go back and look at it.

Suggested free e-books to read:

Joseph Matthews - The Boyfriend Is Not An Obstacle
Christian Godefroy - How To Change Your Shyness

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David Deangelo Offers Great Push Pull Tactics

David Deangelo Offers Great Push Pull Tactics Image
We've all had the experience of chasing a girl - and we all know how that ends. When you chase someone, you just get them to run away faster. Chasing doesn't work because chasing subcommunicates lower value: if you're chasing her, that must mean she's higher value than you, otherwise she would be chasing you.

On the other hand, you can't refuse to chase, either. Women expect men to take the lead in dating, and unless her attraction level for you is through the roof, waiting for her is really just giving other guys an opportunity to swoop in ahead of you. While you're not calling, or escalating they are. And if they're attractive, well, she's not going to wait on you.

David DeAngelo offers great push pull tactics in his guide, Double Your Dating. Have a sneak peak at it here.

Fortunately, there's is a solution to this catch-22, and that solution is PUSH PULL ROUTINES. You remain unpredictable, and refuse to fall into a "courting" frame. On the other hand, you continue to provide opportunities for her to spend time with you, you continue to provide her with good emotions, and you continue to escalate kino.

We've already seen some examples of PUA push-pull in other articles so far. For example, when you call a girl for the first time, and you don't ask her out, and you get off the phone first, you are practicing push-pull. She is receiving mixed messages: "He seems to like me, he seems to enjoy my company, but he didn't ask me out. Why didn't he ask me out?" Or when you invite a girl to a group activity: on one hand, you're asking her out, but on the other it doesn't feel like a date, so she doesn't know where she stands.

Conversationally, it's often good to keep this dynamic going. If you praise her for something (which you should do, often!) make sure you deflate her a little, too. It's okay if this is playful, and a little goes a long way.

WIth kino, two-steps-forward, one-step-back is a form of push-pull. Being the one to stop kissing is incredibly powerful. (One great technique is to start kissing her in a location where you can't go very far so you're the one to stop it.) Women are so used to men trying to get every inch of physical affection they can that when you stop things, they'll often have a powerful surge demanding more. You can use the control you have over her physical reactions in this way as a springboard for cocky humor, as well.

Learning to calibrate how much push goes with how much pull takes time and experience. Try to develop a feel for when you're leaning forward, and when she is. A little attention can go a long way, and you'll probably start to pick it up pretty quickly. If this is new to you, don't be afraid to push a little harder than you're used to. WIth your value high, she'll come back around. In fact, while you're learning, if you never push hard enough to get a negative reaction, you're probably pulling too much and not pushing enough. Get out of your comfort zone and you'll probably discover that you have much more latitude than you think you do.

Good luck!

For more detailed and complex push pull routines, check out Double Your Dating by clicking here.

Suggested free e-books to read:

Tyler Durden - Alpha Behaviours Heirarchies States And Wingtactics
Nancy Friday - Forbidden Flowers More Women Fantasies
Theron Dumont - The Art And Science Of Personal Magnetism

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The Usefulness Of A New Attitude

The Usefulness Of A New Attitude Image
When I expressed a need for a change in my attitude toward approaching in my last post I was very eager to go out and see what effects it would have on my game. I wanted to know if approaching a girl with boldness and not being afraid of what I wanted would have any significant effect. After finishing the post I immediately went to a local mall and began approaching.

Usually if I go out to meet girls I find it very hard to get past the initial nervousness. As I have mentioned in previous posts it usually takes me some time to push past the fear. This time was different. While it took a minute to find a target, as soon as I had one I made my move. The interaction was very brief because while I did my best to be charming my goal was to get used to the idea that I was pursuing what I wanted. So I asked for her number after about five minutes of interaction. She was married.

I quickly moved on and approached a girl I had wanted to talk to for a few weeks but had not had the courage. She was tending a sunglasses kiosk. She was also married.

I approached another and simply focused on flirting because she looked kind of young. She was responding very positively. At an appropriate time I asked her if she was going to school. Yes she was, to high school.

The next girl had a boyfriend. But she seemed impressed about my boldness.

The final approach was the worst. I was very encouraged about the fact that I had talked to four girls all within the space of an hour. I was so confident I simply said: "I am looking for a girlfriend." Not surprisingly she indicated she was not interested and neither was her friend. This brought me down to earth quite fast and I made a hasty retreat.

I did talk to a few other girls that night, just to strike up a conversation. In the end I learned some important things from these attempts and subsequent interactions.

-Being bold and honest about what I want, and pursuing it without apology is an effective antidote to fear. Especially if I was primarily afraid of my own desires.

-Rejection sucks. Big time. I am still kicking myself over the "I am looking for a girlfriend" line {Cringe}.

-Rejection is bearable and it is necessary for refining your approach.

-Malls may not be the best place for approaching. There are too many high-schoolers. I am thinking that going to a college may be a better place to approach.

-Boldness has a great deal of momentum. It gave me confidence to move from one approach to another without hesitation.

Since then I have done a number of approaches. Some with the intent of getting a number others just to strike up a conversation. This has taught me that doing several approaches with the intent of attracting a girl has its merits, but it is not necessary to separate your interactions into game and non-game categories. Every interaction is an opportunity to practice your skills whether projecting a bold attitude or simply practicing your people skills. Remember that game is a life skill and it is important to recognize that it can improve all areas of your life, not just your interactions with women.

After all an alpha is an alpha all the time, and if you have the attitude that game is something you are practicing all the time you will get better that much faster.Alpha Game 2011

Suggested free e-books to read:

Michael Hall - The Uniqueness Of Ns Coaching
Kevin Hogan - The Science Of Influence
Elena Petrova - The Golden Rules Of Online Dating

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Social Psychology

Social Psychology Image

Photo by Jim Byerly

Below is an interview I did in January 2012 with Fay Simer, Senior Transportation Planner at MnDOT, about the 19th book in the Commissioner's Reading Corner Book of the Month series: Through the Labyrinth: The Truth About How Women Become Leaders by Alice Eagly and Linda Carli.

"TANG": What motivated you to step up and want to lead this book discussion?

SIMER: I think the topic of how women become leaders is relevant, particularly in the transportation industry, a field traditionally dominated by men. I saw the topic had not yet been brought up as part of the Commissioner's Reader Corner and I thought this book could add something to the discussion series.

"TANG": Why did you pick this book?

SIMER: Many authors on the topic of women's advancement essentially tell women that they either need to behave "more like men," i.e., more aggressively, or "more like women," i.e., more collaboratively. Through the Labyrinth stood out to me because it discusses the merits of different leadership styles and helps readers understand how their application in different professional settings is typically perceived by others.

"TANG": What do you like most about this book?

SIMER: The authors identify building social capital as an essential tool used by women who have achieved notable professional success. As a board member of the Women's Transportation Seminar in Minnesota, a professional organization with a mission to advance women in the transportation field, this book validates my belief in our work and the relevance of the group's mission.

"TANG": Traditionally, the biggest problem women face in their careers is a glass-ceiling in leadership positions. Nowadays, more women are in leadership positions. However, female leaders still face more obstacles and challenges than their male counterparts. What kinds of issues do women leaders have to struggle with today?

The book confirms that many of the usual suspects still contribute to the "labyrinth" of obstacles women face in their climb to the top. Married women still spend more hours per week on household chores and child-rearing than married men (though men's participation is increasing steadily); women still face stereotypes regarding what behaviors and attitudes are appropriate for their gender, and many organizational cultures do not support women seeking leadership experience. The point is that there is no clear path for a woman seeking to attain the top of her field; many women negotiate these barriers on their own. Discussing these barriers openly will help us learn how to better support women collectively as they advance in their careers.

TANG: You have taken on a leadership role with the Minnesota Women's Transportation Seminar. What kind of dilemma and obstacles have you experienced as an emerging women leader?

SIMER: I am the type of person that needs to be challenged and I like pushing myself in different directions. One of the things I appreciate about my board position on the Women's Transportation Seminar is the opportunity to take on roles that aren't part of my job description at MnDOT. Whether I'm organizing an event, leading other volunteers, or setting the board's initiatives for the year, I like the chance to be creative and to push myself to try different aspects of leadership activities that are new to me.

TANG: The authors say, to increase gender equality in the workplace, change must take place on four levels: the culture, the organization, the family and the individual. What can MnDOT and what can individuals do to improve our workplace for women leaders?

SIMER: The book points out that an organization's social culture can obstruct women's access to advancement opportunities as much as individual prejudices. The authors note that demands for long work hours, travel, and the ability to relocate- necessities in many managerial positions, can be especially difficult for women, who typically have more household obligations than men. In addition, the book notes that women face challenges obtaining appropriately demanding work assignments, called developmental job experiences that are prerequisites for promotion. I think these are areas that leaders at MnDOT could take a closer look as they determine how to distribute advancement opportunities equitably across the organization.

TANG: What are the most important lessons you have learned from the book? What are the most important ideas you would like people to take away from this book?

SIMER: Studies on corporate executives and boards of directors in US firms find that the inclusion of women is associated with stronger financial performance. Young men entering the workforce are more likely to question why they don't see women in managerial positions than why they do. Promoting parity among women and men's leadership opportunities is an organizational concern, not a "women's" concern.

"TANG": What lessons have you learned in your career that you would like to share with other women and would benefit other women to become more successful leaders?

SIMER: I place great value on the relationships I've had with mentors throughout my career development. My advice is to seek out people with qualities you admire and to learn as much from their leadership style as you can.

TANG: Tell us a little bit about your reading habits.

SIMER: I love reading! For anyone interested in an honest and insightful account of one woman's rise to the top of her field, I highly recommend Katherine Graham's Personal History.

Suggested free e-books to read:

In10se - Symbolic Morphology
Havelock Ellis - Studies In The Psychology Of Sex
Keanu Jagger - Situational Opener Technology

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