I've made immense progress in picking up women but nothing could compare to the week I had in mid-March. My greatest week as a PUA in training started on Wednesday, the 16th of March.
I don't usually drink during the week. On Wednesday though, I made an exception for a cute 21 year old that came over with her equally cute friend. A friend and I were able set up a double date with two girls we met the prior Saturday at a bar. I spent most of the night making out with my date.
Besides watching Jersey Shore, the rest of the night was spent with a bed buddy. She slept over but we didn't do much sleeping.
I went out with a few friends to a local bar. Wasn't expecting to meet anyone but of course I did. My friends and I talked to a couple of girls and managed to get them to another bar then to eat afterwards. I ended the night by number closing one of them.
When I thought my week couldn't get any better, unsurprisingly, it did. I accompanied a friend on a party bus that was filled with beautiful drunk women. My "date" had a boyfriend and has been in my friend zone for more than a year. That night she confessed her feelings for me and practically begged me to get with her. Long story short, she broke up with her boyfriend through a text at four in the morning while we were fooling around in the back seat of her car.
That was my best week so far as a PUA in training. What's yours?
Suggested free e-books to read:
Robert Anue - Forbidden Pattern The Shadow And The Rising SunDaniel Johnson - Using The Cube The Pickup Artists Secret Weapon
Decibel - The Pickup Artists Field Guide Mastering The Art Of Pickup
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