Artist Sells Life After Being Dumped

Artist Sells Life After Being Dumped Cover
Have you ever had your heart broken so bad that you wanted to just drop everything and start all over? Well that's exactly what Japser Joffe did.

Jasper Joffe, a British artist, decided that he would sell everything he owns except the clothes on his back. Fittingly called "The sale of a lifetime", from July 29 to August 2, 2009, Jasper Joffe is auctioning off his worldly possessions. But where will they sleep?!?

And Jasper Joffe is doing all this because he got dumped by his girlfriend and is essentially hoping that his girlfriend will feel like crap for dumping him and come back into his life.

What Jasper Joffe doesn't realize is that when most women dump their boyfriends, it's because they have had it and are virtually disgusted at the mere mention of their name. So if anything, this gesture will be looked upon as pathetic, not romantic.

And just in case you're wondering, Jasper Joffe is going to make some serious coin; he plans to sell everything in 33 lots priced at over $5,000 each. So that should keep him warm for a couple of months.


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