David J. Lieberman. Ph.D. is an award-winning author and internationally recognized leader in the fields of human behavior and interpersonal relationships. Techniques based on his five books, which have been translated into eighteen languages and include two New York Times bestsellers, are used by the FBI, The Department of the Navy, Fortune 500 companies, and by governments and corporations in more than twenty-five countries. He has been appeared as a guest expert on more than two hundred programs such as The Today Show, Fox News, and The View, and his work has been featured in publications around the world. Dr. Lieberman, whose Ph.D. is in psychology, lectures and holds workshops across the country on a variety of topics.
You read that I took a very quick interest in the book because from the very beginning(inside front cover) I had already connected with what was being said.
This book still gets two thumbs from me for several reasons. Although I honestly expected to learn about visual detection methods, I am very happy I was able to learn what I call the 'Verbal Response' detection method. This is what I would summarize this book as.
There is mention toward the very end of the book of eye movement. He mentions that if you are a right handed person, visual memories are accessed by the eyes going up and to the left. Left handed people, it's the reverse. When a right-handed person is deceiving you, his/her eyes go up and to the right and the opposite for a left-handed person.
That was pretty much the only mention of 'visual' detection techniques.
I purchased this book because the lie detection concept is very interesting to me. I also intend on utilizing it in my real estate as well. I spend a lot of time on the phone as you probably do also. I believe this book focusing on the 'Verbal Response' detection will greatly increase my abilities to know whether or not I'm getting myself into aggrevation or not.
Once you get this book, you WILL have to re-read it. There is a lot to absorb. I can't say that I absorbed all of it reading it for the first time so I know I will re-read it here very soon. I have other books in a pile to get to first. I think by coming back to this book once it's not so fresh, it will not feel redundant and I'll pick up on other things I missed the first time.
Although not directly related to real estate, I really believe it will highly benefit any investor. I can't tell you how many times in just the past week or so since I've got the book that I've been lied to. I know I have because things that are being referenced in the book are happening to me in real life. It concerns me a little that I'll now be picking up on things in my personal life but that will be something I have to work on. As for real estate, I'm excited to see it's progress for my benefits.
Tired of being manipulated and taken advantage of? Want to learn how to influence and motivate others, turn associates into friends, and win in any competition? Then consider reading Get Anyone to Do Anything and Never Feel Powerless Again by David J. Lieberman, bestselling author of Never Be Lied to Again and nationally recognized leader in the field of human behavior.
Based on psychological principles, this book is less about manipulation and more about observing and influencing people (including yourself) and learning how to take control of situations. Most of Lieberman's techniques are straightforward, user-friendly, and practical. You'll learn simple ways to make a fantastic first impression, get people to return your phone calls, and stop a rumor before it ruins you. You don't even have to read the text to benefit. To help you get the upper hand quickly, strategies are reviewed at the end of each chapter. While some suggestions are obvious (smile and make eye contact), the five sections and 40 chapters contain many gems that can help improve your life.
I never thought I'd say that about a psychologist. In fact the more I re-read it (the title I gave these comments) I'm shocked. I don't usually like them. My impression of them is that they listen to people who have no one to talk to and rape them for their cash (which I find reprehensible). BUT. TDavid J. Lieberman has done excellent research (my hats off). These are the things I loved about his book:
1. The purpose of the book is not to control and manipulate like the title suggests, but rather to illuminate.
2. It's packed with information (short 2-3 page chapters, summaries of the important points at the end: I.E. you can skip the verbage and go straight for the bullet points.)
3. It's obviously correct. Although years of testing and observation produced the conclusions in this book, common sense validates the results. And these aren't the kinds of things you could figure out without his book.
4. It could seriously fix a broken relationship or start a new one with nearly anyone.
Here's an example (I'd normally feel guilty giving examples, but the man has tons):
When you suspect someone of lying present them with a conundrum. The purpose is not to listen to the response but to observe the behavior. Specifically, if your husband tells you he went to the movies with friends. Mention Oh yeah, I heard that the reason for all of the traffic after work was because of the car accident near the movie theatre. Did you see it?" This creates a stun effect. Two conditions must be met. 1) Heavy Traffic 2) A car accident. If he really went to the movies the response would blurt out, but if he didn't he has to be careful with his answer and he hesitates. "
Love Highway is an Online Dating Guide written by David Mr Playboy" Kyle"
Why should you choose The Art of Internet Dating, the definitive practical guide?
Here are just a few good reasons:
* It's the definitive guide. This is the bible" of Internet dating, the book that sets the standard. Why settle for anything less?
* This is the only 100% practical guide available. There are no silly stories or anecdotes that won't help you one bit, just page after page of practical hints and tips. If you want romance stories, go buy a Mills & Boon. If you want to greatly improve your chances of meeting a real quality date on-line, or your soulmate, buy The Art of Internet Dating.
* There are many tips throughout the book specially for both males and females.
* It pulls no punches and is brutally honest. Sugar coating things won't help you one bit.
* It's sold, promoted and fully supported by the author. Send me an email at david AT alternatezone DOT com, I will reply, promise. How many authors do that?, most are un-contactable. I want to hear what you think of the book and Internet dating. I also personally pack and post every book ordered from this web site!
* The author is the most experienced person to have ever written an Internet dating book. Most other authors have little real practical experience.
* No other book attempts to so deeply analyse the technical aspects of Internet dating. This is essential, it's a technical medium and you have to know how best to utilise it. Did you know that there is a defined time window during which your profile is most visible to the the right kind of people? Have you missed it? What do you do about it?
* There are no silly pictures or cartoons to get in the way of the information you need. It's all information-packed text (Ok, except for one small table!)
* The book does not try and tell you who is right for you, or how you should court someone. There is nothing to insult your ability or intelligence, just lots of common sense and technical hints and tips about what works and what doesn't, gained through years of research and practice.
Technical details of the book :
* ISBN 1-876494-54-9
* Size A5 - (H)210mm x (W)149mm x (D)9mm
* Weight 214g
* Matt finish cover
* 160 pages, 154 of which contain the "meat". No big margins to make the book look bigger either!
* 26 separate sections covering every aspect of Internet Dating. See below for the table of contents
* 11 point Serif - a big and easy to read font.
* Burst bound spine which is superior to the cheaper perfect binding you get in mass produced novels. The pages won't fall out.
* Celloglaze coating to protect the book from fingerprints and other nasties.
* Ink printed pages, not the cheaper toner printed type.
* Published by Fusion Publishing in conjunction with The Oracle Press
* Printed by Watson Ferguson & Co (est.1868)
The book is also available in PDF eBook format for immediate download!
What this book will NOT do:
* It will not teach you how to setup your computer, use email, or how to use the Internet in general. This is assumed knowledge, and there are countless books out there to do that. Unlike other books, The Art of Internet Dating is 100% about practical Internet dating. If you do not know how to use a computer and/or the Internet, at least on a basic level, then this book is not for you. There are no "Click the left mouse button" instructions to insult your ability.
* It will not attempt to teach courting techniques or help you figure out what you are looking for in a partner. There are no sex tips or pickup lines. If you need this sort of help then there are plenty of self help books available that claim to do just this. This is not one of them.
Compare the competition, we are sure you'll find The Art of Internet Dating is by far the best and most informative practical guide to Internet Dating available in the world"
The Body Language" is assiduously detailed, highly entertaining expose of a fascinating secret society - the international community of pickup artists who have refined their talents for getting women into bed to the nth degree The Challenge is simply what works best and fastest. "Body Language" have mainstream success. A good introduction. Good story, useable knowledge. "Body Language" - the great work on seduction, bar none. As you move about the room, positive perception of you will grow."
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