Look - Look does not matter much if you are attempting your second or third date. However, look matters a lot on first date. Your partner will get the first impression of yours with the help of what you wear and how you wear. So, please make sure that you have put on your best outfit.
Gift - When you meet your partner on first date, you can not afford to meet him/her without gift. It is a human nature and you can not change it. Your partner always expects something nice from you. So, you can buy flowers, chocolates etc. for him/her.
Place - Place plays very important role in first date. Being a boy, you should not force your partner to go on a particular location. Obviously, you can take her anywhere after first date and she will definitely go with you. However, please consider her opinion as well when it comes to choose location.
Food - You can end your first date with delicious food. So, do not forget to present another gift.
Suggested free e-books to read:
Steve Scott - Flirt Mastery Quick Start GuideC Kellogg - Dating Tips For Men Special Report
Mabel Iam - Sex And The Perfect Lover
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