Breastfeeding For Men

Breastfeeding For Men Cover
No, it's not about men who enjoy suckling on the lactating breast of a woman. Oh no, that would be too normal to report.

Rather, this is about men who want to breastfeed babies and are looking to science to help them start the lactation process.

So that Focker guy from" the "was right; men can lactate. It is entirely possible. Aparently, in 1858, a man whose wife was put to death was so stricken with grief that he put his baby to his own breast and before he knew it, he was breastfeeding his child.

I wonder if a man's milk has the same kind of vitamins and minerals? But to be honest, what man really wants to breastfeed? Better yet, what man would actually admit it to his beer-guzzling friends? "Uh yeah, sure, I'd love to have my baby boy suckling away at my nipples while I watch the game. It's bonding time, you know."

And what about the poor baby, choking on all that unnecessary nipple hair? Ugh.

Watch the video below, at about 4:08 a guy starts breastfeeding, but if you look at the baby, it's not moving at all. It's asleep. You know why? Because there's no milk there, buddy. But you get an "A" for effort.

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John Hughes - Stress Dying For No Cause
Dr Dennis Neder - Getting Women
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