For whatever reason, there are a large number of Western men who have a thing for Chinese women. It might be the slim bodies, the attitudes or the attention of Chinese ladies that causes them to be so sexy, but the point is they ARE sexy. Getting to China is simple enough and you might be surprised to learn that getting a Chinese girlfriend is simple enough too.
There are the obvious ways of connecting with ladies such as bars, but I wouldn't counsel going this route unless you're ready for distrust, requests for money and heart ache. There are better methods and you'll find that there are many awesome websites online to help you meet Chinese women. These websites have tens of thousands of girls all looking for the exact thing you are, friendship, love and maybe even marriage.
Any of the Chinese personals sites can help you meet literally 1000's of sexy Chinese girls who are anxious to make themselves your girlfriend. It won't matter whether you're in China or somewhere else in the world, these dating websites will make certain it's simple for you to locate a Chinese girlfriend. You'll find that a lot of the ladies sign up for love, but many are also there simply looking for some fun.
After connecting with some the girls, getting past the inevitable language problems and getting to know a few of them you're very likely to spend a bit of your time emailing and chatting online. If you can get a webcam this is superior as the ladies will definitely need to see what you look like. It shouldn't be too long until you get a fairly serious communication going with 1 (or more) of the ladies.
At this juncture you'll likely want to head over to China, if you're not already there, and meet up with the ladies in person. While the personals scene in China is fantastic for Europeans, there are thousands of guys who have gone the route of connecting with their Chinese girlfriends through Chinese dating websites. It definitely beats meeting the woblokes in a bar or club.
If you do end up going to China and meeting a lady in a club there are definitely some things to be aware of. It appears that many blokes lose all common sense when meeting Chinese women in bars, so attempt to maintain your wits and don't add to the fodder for tales about love gone bad on the net. Always remember that the entire reason women work in pubs is to make cash. They may fantasize of a knight in shining armor to take them away, but this is simply that, a fantasy, and earning cash comes first.
If you do correctly and take your time then there's no reason you can't find a Chinese girlfriend and love through the Chinese dating websites. Many sites on the web attempt to tell you about finding a Chinese girlfriend as if it is a set process, but it's really no different than beginning a relationship anywhere else. Just take it easy, be yourself and trust your gut.
It's not possible to completely tell you how to find a Chinese girlfriend in a post like this, just as it wouldn't be possible to completely tell you about finding a girlfriend anywhere in the world. The first step is to begin connecting with the women and the most simple way to do this is through the Chinese dating websites. After that it's up to you where you need any potential relationships to go. All I can say is that Chinese women are great and locating a Chinese girlfriend is simpler than you might assume.
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