First Lady Offers Relationship Advice

First Lady Offers Relationship Advice Image
Looking for Mr. Right rather than Mr. Right Now? Well, First Lady Michelle Obama offered some great advice to women in relationships:

"Cute's good. But cute only lasts for so long, and then it's, Who are you as a person? That's the advice I would give to women: Don't look at the bankbook or the title. Look at the heart. Look at the soul. Look at how the guy treats his mother and what he says about women. How he acts with children he doesn't know. And, more important, how does he treat you? When you're dating a man, you should always feel good. You should never feel less than. You should never doubt yourself. You shouldn't be in a relationship with somebody who doesn't make you completely happy and make you feel whole. And if you're in that relationship and you're dating, then my advice is, don't get married."

- Michelle Obama in Glamour Magazine

Suggested free e-books to read:

C Kellogg - Healthy Dating And Relationship Tips
Amy Waterman - Your Guide To Stronger Relationships

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