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Some C if she accuses you of flirting or being interested, tell her

you're just checking for needle marks.

- "I have a, never mind; I can't ask that." If she

insists, ask something utterly outrageous about her sex life. If

she reacts badly, say "Hey, you dragged it out of me! It's all

YOUR fault!
" (Pause for response.) "First you make me say it,

then you bad behavior after another! That's it,

you're on probation.

- Read her palm or analyze her handwriting. Say "OOH! THAT is

" When she asks what, say "I don't think you could

handle it. It might be too much for you.
" No matter what she

says, don't tell her.

- Tell her her shoes are untied if she's wearing pumps, her fly is

down if she's wearing a skirt, she has a run in her stockings if

she's wearing pants. Make fun of her if she looks.

- If she sits down near you, tell her the chair is taken. Repeat

for every chair she tries to sit in. If she asks, the occupant

is in the bathroom. ALL the chairs are occupied by people in

the bathroom.

- Throw food, sugar packets, etc. at her when she's not looking.

Complain about how mean she is for not playing catch with you, and

how bad it makes you feel when she refuses to play by not catching

what you throw. Make your lower lip quiver if you can.

- Do high fives with her, then complain that she's not doing them

with feeling.

- Call her "Megan the meanie" (or whatever her name is) if she won't

flirt or do what you want. Works especially well if you talk and

act like a five-year-old.

- On any provocation, playfully: "I'm gonna have to kick your

" or "Don't make me kick your ass!" Then, if it's appropriate,

wrestle her down.

- Move in to kiss, then throw your finger in front of her lips and

gently push her back.

Okay, guys, hopefully I've primed the pump...what are your ideas and

best teasing stories?



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Before you buy. Teasing is how I'm used to getting all the girls I currently get -

acting very cheeky and playfully arrogant. Combined with alpha male

purposeness, it works well with young girls.

All of your examples were very cool. I also go sexual with as much of

the teasing as I can, because the girls do picture all the things you

joke about, and those mental images of you get them going. And that's

when you poke them in jest, and establish kino.

I try to make fun of them alot also. I wish I could think of some

examples. Hmm, just teasing them, and telling them that you bet they'd

like things to happen, that you know they don't. And just obviously

bullshitting answers to questions they ask you - making up ridiculous

stories. And also bragging about yourself sexually alot, like about

your attractiveness and stuff...

Like if HBs ever compliment anything about me, I do this...

HB: "I like your accent"

ME: "thanks, I work out" (smiling cheekily)

and I'll answer that to any compliment at all, and they like it.

ME: Oh, you'd love that wouldn't you?

HB: (laughing) no, of course not.

ME: Yes, you would. You'd be in as fast as you could...etc

HB: No!

You can answer many questions by saying how sexy you are, and how hot

you are, and playfully act like that's what people think and that's

how things are.

Also if you break into a scottish accent and say, "I'm dead sexy I am"

a bunch of times, it goes over well.

Each time you tease her with a comment, you touch her and poke her and


If you say any of these comments and she starts to get angry or

pretends to be, I just put on a deep man-voice and say "You LOVE IT".

And this normally gets them going even more, but while laughing.

If she says anything positive for herself you can turn it around by

saying, "yup, just keep telling yourself that "

Teasing I find is great for stupid girls, because you're still having a

good time despite her stupidity. You're playing with her, rather than

talking to her - which is much more entertaining with dumbshits. I've

had many a fine evening out with a beautiful member of the lower end of

the bell curve, just thanks to the joys of teasing.

Now, I think it works because it establishes to her that you're

confident, that you don't need her, and you're a strong person. It

shows you have a little more power than her. But all this has to be

done with confidence and cheekiness. That I've found is the most

important thing. I make sure my state is confident yet cheeky, with a

bit of a sly grin.

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Before you buy.

>- Accuse her of trying to seduce you, coming on to you, etc.

> Misconstrue her innocent behavior as shameless flirting (the more

> absurdly, the better
). Then flirt outrageously, but deny any

> interest, and present your behavior as innocent (again, the more

> absurdly, the better

This works a treat. This can lead into a sex role reversal "I'm not

that easy you know. Stop trying to smooth talk me just so I'll sleep

with you
" etc.

>Run your finger slowly up and down her

> arm; if she accuses you of flirting or being interested, tell her

> you're just checking for needle marks.

>- "I have a, never mind; I can't ask that." If she

> insists, ask something utterly outrageous about her sex life. If

> she reacts badly, say "Hey, you dragged it out of me! It's all

> YOUR fault!
" (Pause for response.) "First you make me say it,

> then you bad behavior after another! That's it,

> you're on probation.

Ask her in a disinterested way what she thinks makes someone good at

oral sex. If she starts talking about what makes a man good, switch it

after a while to her blowjob technique. Arouse her curiousity until

she can't wait to become your student.

>- Tell her her shoes are untied if she's wearing pumps, her fly is

> down if she's wearing a skirt, she has a run in her stockings if

> she's wearing pants.

> Make fun of her if she looks.

Have to try this one.

>- On any provocation, playfully: "I'm gonna have to kick your

> ass!
" or "Don't make me kick your ass!" Then, if it's appropriate,

> wrestle her down.

A variation on this is "don't make me pin you down and do you. You

know it's what you want but just control yourself, okay?

Works especially well after you have already had sex with them.

>Okay, guys, hopefully I've primed the pump...what are your ideas and

>best teasing stories?

Excellent post. Lots of great ideas.

Using the NLP "pink elephant" theory. Accuse her of being obsessed

with sex (for no apparent reason or when she makes the slightest

). And tell her stuff like

"Stop thinking about sex. Don't think about me kissing up your thigh,

spreading your legs
" etc. etc.

Putting on a sleazy voice and saying "outrageous" things like "you

know you want it bay-beeee
" can work very well.

I am familiar with the whole Neg Theory here. And it's really nothing new

as I have pointed out before. In fact some cultures are Masters at this. It

also dates back to a time when peasants and slaves couldn't really say what

was on their mind, so they would disguise their intentions in some

long-winded, flowery sounding bullshit that sounded like a compliment, but

was designed to bring the target down a notch. Some Arab cultures are very

good at this to this day.

Before I found ASF, I always had very good results from more direct

Teasing and Insults. Of course it's mostly done in a good-natured sort of

way. AND you can completely alienate some chicks with this tactic.

I seem to have a sixth sense when it comes to WHO this will work on. My

intuition just seems to tell me when this tactic will work. My mind must be

keying-in on little telltale signs that I'm not completely aware of? This

is one reason that I am posting this. I am looking for feedback from the

group. I have not been able to come-up with a reliable road map for others

as to what type of chick this works on. It ABSOLUTELY seems to work on many

of the HOTTEST HBs.

I remember years ago, a friend and I went to a Strip Club in Texas. I

didn't have time to tell him ALL my theories on doing strippers, so I told

him just to "RAG" on ALL of them, and the tactic should stick on at least

ONE of them.

My friend ended up being MUCH harder with his insults and teasing than I

usually am. And most of the girls in the bar were asking me why my friend

is such an ASSHOLE. BUT, it wasn't long before the FINEST HB10 stripper in

the bar was litterally THROWING herself at him. I don't remember everything

he said to her, but I do remember him calling her "Chicken Legs" quite


I think she asked him to dance, and he said that she had chicken legs and

would probably just lay an egg in his lap or something.

To make a long story short, she did everything she could to try to win his

approval, and at the end of the night, she litterally jumped into the truck

with us and asked where we were going. She was so desperate to win him over

that she fucked BOTH of us, at his suggestion.

I have hundred of such stories that illustrate how powerfull this method

is. More recently, I used it on a Hooters Waitress....

I thought that she was the MOST attractive HB in the place...

HB: Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot your water, I'll get it.

Me: That's good because you really don't want to get on my bad side?

HB: What? Why is that?

Me: Well, I'm part Indian!

HB: (with a confused look) What does that have to do with anything?

Me: I'm a member of the "Slap-a-ho" Tribe. (Got this from a black comic.

Can't remember his name

HB: (laughing) I'm NOT a HO ! ( you have to remember that this Hooters

was FULL of AFCs drooling over these fine bitches and acting all "proper".

Me: Yeah, I bet you've seen more ceilings than Michealangelo!

HB: (Laughing) Leaves and goes over to the cash register to tell some of

the other girls what I said and they start laughing. Some of the other HBs

start coming over to our table to Kick-It with us.

HB: returns and says "Here's your water, you're not going to slap me are


Me: Slapping is only ONE option. Remember, the "Slap-a-ho" tribe is a

member of the "SPANK-A-HO" NATION. Then I made some sort of comment

comparing her to a Mac Computer because "You are USER FRIENDLY". Which I

guess is a sort of embedded command.

To make a long story short, I continued to DOG her at the amusement of all

the other Hooters girls. The TARGET began throwing herself at me and

invited me to a "Get Together" after work. I continued to DOG her even

after fucking her.

I remember laying in bed with her after fucking her and watching the Cindy

Margolis show. I made a comment that Cindy is a Hot Bitch and I started

jacking-off under the covers while watching Cindy on TV. I did this just to

fuck with HBHooters mind and she came unglued. She jumped on my cock with

her face and ended up giving me a fuck that was ten times better than the

one before. She even took it up the ass which was virgin territory.

Anyway, I was interested in hearing other people's experiences in making an

HB the butt of your jokes and insults.

I know that it is ASF dogma NOT to insinuate that a chick is a slut. BUT,

for some of the hotter ones, the phsychological button that is pushed by

the jokes and teasing seems to be much stronger than the "Slut Factor". Oh,

by the way, HBHooters was only 23. Young enough to be my daughter! Put

that in your pipe and "Smoke-It" Mystery!

Also, have you older guys noticed that HBs tend to think that YOU are MUCH

better in bed than their YOUNGER "boyfriends" ? Maybe it's experience?

Michael S.

PS Also, ATTITUDE is important with the teasing game. If you have the

right attitude, you can say almost ANYTHING. If you try this with the

demeanor of an AFC, you will probably get SMOKED !

My night out sargin to make up for the fuckup on HB9 was kinda crappy.

5#close, of which two in retrospect sort of turn me off characterwise

but might pass for a quickie, two sisters (7/7.5) who were walking

around giggling outside the club, and the UG jealosy factor that was

with them. Well. Might call one of them next week or something when

I'm bored.

Anyways, here's something I came up with intuitively. When you're with

a HB, steal any object from her (like a cigarette, frisbee, gum,

) and say "smoking isn't healthy" or any stupid reason why she

shouldn't have the object, then hold it in front of her as if you give

it back, and pull it away when she grabs it. Repeat until DDB

It's amazing how long most babes will go along with this if you're

playful and smile. In time she'll probably start grabbing your arm

trying to pull it down. Hold the object up over her for some nice tit

kino when your chest meets hers

I could do this for hours.

- Take something off her - Hat, glasses, etc. (GS)

- Mimic her a couple of times if she says something in a particularly

weird/funny tone (GS)

- Mimic her if she does something/moves in some funny way (GS)

- tickling (PFAL)

- pull her hair (PFAL)

- tap on one shoulder and be on the other. (PiQL)

- Snapping bra-straps (PiQL)

- playing keep-away (PiQL)

- saying their name over and over (PiQL)

- "im not touching you! im not touching you!" (PiQL)

- Accuse her of trying to seduce you (DD/Jonathan Ashton)

- "I have a, never mind; I can't ask that." and NEVER ask it

no matter what she says (Jonathan Ashton/GS)

- Or, read her palm, handwriting, say "OOH! THAT is interesting!" When

she asks what, say "I don't think you could handle it. It might be too much

for you.
" No matter what she says, don't tell her. (Jonathan Ashton)

- Tell her her shoes are untied if she's wearing pumps, her fly is down if

she's wearing a skirt, she has a run in her stockings if she's wearing

pants. Make fun of her if she looks. (Jonathan Ashton)

- If she sits down near you, tell her the chair is taken. Repeat for every

chair she tries to sit in. If she asks, the occupant is in the bathroom.

ALL the chairs are occupied by people in the bathroom. (Jonathan Ashton)

- Throw food, sugar packets, etc. at her when she's not looking. Complain

about how mean she is for not playing catch with you, and how bad it makes

you feel when she refuses to play by not catching what you throw. Make your

lower lip quiver if you can. (Jonathan Ashton)

- Do high fives with her, then complain that she's not doing them with

feeling. (Jonathan Ashton)

- Call her "Megan the meanie" (or whatever her name is) if she won't flirt

or do what you want. Works especially well if you talk and act like a

five-year-old. (Jonathan Ashton)

- On any provocation, playfully: "I'm gonna have to kick your ass!" or

"Don't make me kick your ass!" Then, if it's appropriate, wrestle her down.

(Jonathan Ashton)

- Move in to kiss, then throw your finger in front of her lips and gently

push her back. (Jonathan Ashton)

- tell her "on my planet we have a custon of kissing each others' ankles",

and made her participate (or something similarly silly) (Jonathan Ashton)

- Roughhousing. (see "Wild Fratboy Method"). Like starting a game of tag so

you can tackle her on people's lawns. Get her running around and her heart

racing while getting lots of kino in. (Rush274)

- ask random chicks if they would want to join "my fanclub". chick: "why?" -

"because I'm GREAT! you don't have to do much, just the normal things,

cheering at me when I walk past, following me through the club, buy me

drinks, dance for me, all the things that the average groupies do (kooper)

- blatantly hitting on ALL girls in a group (kooper)

Can I ask you a kind of personal question?" [wait for a yes] "Good.

" [turn your back]

"I've got a GREAT knock-knock joke [very low key, here, as you set the

] - you start....
" make sure you're WHO'S THERE is a bit loud and


Q.:"Wanna dance?" A.: "I don't." If there's no music and she mentions it,

say "Hum a little while you do."

If she has an unusual item of clothing or hairstyle, ask her, "Are you

" She'll be puzzled and ask what about. Press the point. "C'mon are

" once you get the yes, hit her with, "Then why are you

wearing that !

"I know how to handle girls like you: pull their hair, spank their ass and

say, "Go ahead! Tell mom and dad! Get out of my room!""

"Are your hands clean? I need somebody to hold it while I pee."

Compare something, starting with "You know how..." Make it long and

involved. Then say, "Not like that."

"How can I compare it? Hmm. Y'know how they made the monster look in the

new version of Godzilla? NOT LIKE THAT.

"Can I ask you a kind of personal question?" [wait for a yes] "Good.

" [turn your back]

"I've got a GREAT knock-knock joke [very low key, here, as you set the

] - you start....
" make sure you're WHO'S THERE is a bit loud and


Q.:"Wanna dance?" A.: "I don't." If there's no music and she mentions it,

say "Hum a little while you do."

If she has an unusual item of clothing or hairstyle, ask her, "Are you

" She'll be puzzled and ask what about. Press the point. "C'mon are

" once you get the yes, hit her with, "Then why are you

wearing that !

"I know how to handle girls like you: pull their hair, spank their ass and

say, "Go ahead! Tell mom and dad! Get out of my room!""

"Are your hands clean? I need somebody to hold it while I pee."

Compare something, starting with "You know how..." Make it long and

involved. Then say, "Not like that."

"How can I compare it? Hmm. Y'know how they made the monster look in the

new version of Godzilla? NOT LIKE THAT.

- talking to a 2-set tell the target the other one has just fallen in love

with you (not really a tease though)

- I always get asked "Where are you from?" as I'm in a foreign country

(Japan). I played the "you have to guess game", the first guess was wrong

(she said xxx country) so I hassled her that she then must loves xxx guys.

Picked a bad trait from xxx and tell her she must love guys that do/have


Stuff like this usually has to be situational. If she's talking to a little

kid say "Isn't he a little young for you?". That's just an example, steal it

if you want. Stuff like this needs to be funny, otherwise you're just a dick.

You need to think of your own examples for this kind of stuff. That way it is

more congruent. You want to leave her wondering whether you were serious or

not. This will peak her interest in you and you can proceed with whatever you

normally do when you're talking to a girl who is interested in you.

Credit - SIlver MASF

Suggested free e-books to read:

Michael Hall - The Structure Of Unconscious Excuses
Don Miguel Ruiz - The Mastery Of Love

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