Guys who do not get laid, do not smile. Cartaphilus outlines a learnable process that guarantees to make all men more attractive, more confident and opens the door to all the pleasure they can handle. Cartaphilus tried and tested in the real world, and will work for you. Nlp techniques, psychology secrets - you must understand woman before you will start approach. The How 2 Meet Women The Shy Man Guide To Relationships" is assiduously detailed, highly entertaining expose of a fascinating secret society - the international community of pickup artists who have refined their talents for getting women into bed to the nth degree Nlp techniques, psychology secrets - you must understand woman before you will start approach."
Carlos Xuma is well-known by just about any guy who is interested in getting better with women. A major contributor to his considerable popularity is his authenticity. Carlos is all about helping men be the best they can be, and it shows. Listen in as we deal with a topic that consistently derails both men and women when it comes to dating success. Find out what games" really are, how to identify them and...most you can finally deal with them effectively. Never be anyone's fool ever again.
Carlos has been a featured advisor and author on ABC Television - "View from the Bay", CBS Television,European TV, The Allen Handelman "Rock Talk" Radio Show, Maxim Radio, Utopia Radio, WorldTalk Radio Single Again, Cliff's List, Dating Class, Summum Magazine (The French Canadian "Maxim"), Focus News Fast Seduction 101
Carlos Xuma writes about dating challenges and how to overcome them, all from the man’s perspective. He understands that women have shared information on how to rule the world of relationships since time began. They rule through sexual power and an innate understanding of psychology and persuasion.
Guys need that same knowledge.
You need an ally in this game, and Carlos is here to give you that winning edge. The methods and techniques you learn in his various programs teach you how to be more successful with women by winning at your INNER game. Inner game is the sense of selfconfidence and self-esteem that a true Alpha Man feels when his life is together. He has goals and a purpose.
Character and integrity.
And if a man is going somewhere in life with a passion, women will want to be a part of that lifestyle. No deception, tricks, or hypnosis. You learn how to succeed with women by being the best man you can be - from the inside out.
Carlos’ dating tips and advice for men are seen and/or heard on World Talk Radio, Maxim Radio, Double Agent, Summum Magazine, The Dating Insider Book, Bikini Hangout,,, Don Juan, and many more online and offline publications.
Carlos Xuma is the author of The Dating Black Book and Seduction Method e-books, along with the Secrets of the Alpha Man and the Approach Women Now programs. He also produces and records the Advanced Audio Coaching each month – now in its third year!
Carlos also teaches Seminars in the San Francisco Bay Area for men looking to reconnect with their masculinity and become more successful with women - both field work as well as workshops.
According to Xuma he started out studying the social dynamics and interaction between men and women. This lead him to integrate his martial arts training and Eastern philosophy into a system of explanations and metaphors of human interaction and motivational explanations.
Xuma's core idea is the Alpha Male, who displays masculine and leadership behavior. According to Xuma, this personality types incorporates useful traits, such as emotional and social intelligence, ambition, verbal acuity, and a keen perception of character. He encourages men to communicate their masculinity and sexuality with both techniques (model verbal and physical actions) and confidence-building to ensure that they are achieving authentic attraction.
Advice on Attraction
Xuma argues that most of the problems men face in romance and attraction stem from a gender disadvantage: women are socialized to be collaborators and communicators from early childhood, while men are socialized as independent and competitors. His instruction aims to rehabilitate of a man's self-confidence. He describes the three primary parts of a man's masculine confidence as: 1) Self-esteem (how worthy a man views himself), 2) Self-image (the roles or actions a man can and cannot envision himself performing), and 3) Self-confidence (how certain a man is about his world and abilities in general.)
Furthermore, three parts appeal to a man's attractiveness to women: 1) Self-discipline, 2) Self-confidence, and 3) Sense of humor. These are referred to as the "Three S's," and they form the framework of a man's approach to interaction with women.
Xuma contends that men in the post-feminist era (born after 1970) lack advantage with women in terms of socialization. Due to the proliferation of media images and - as Xuma states - "Disney programming," men are confused as to their gender roles and to what women find genuinely and uniquely attractive about men. These attractive qualities, Xuma states, have not changed - only undergone an evolution.
Relationships are no longer what they once were - required for survival, and that the only remaining enticement of marriage and long-term relationships is self-improvement. Xuma is noted as saying: "You will learn more about yourself in the context of a long-term relationship then you will in any other way. "
Carlos Xuma is well-known by just about any guy who is interested in getting better with women. A major contributor to his considerable popularity is his authenticity. Carlos is all about helping men be the best they can be, and it shows. Listen in as we deal with a topic that consistently derails both men and women when it comes to dating success. Find out what games" really are, how to identify them and...most you can finally deal with them effectively. Never be anyone's fool ever again.
Carlos has been a featured advisor and author on ABC Television - "View from the Bay", CBS Television,European TV, The Allen Handelman "Rock Talk" Radio Show, Maxim Radio, Utopia Radio, WorldTalk Radio Single Again, Cliff's List, Dating Class, Summum Magazine (The French Canadian "Maxim"), Focus News Fast Seduction 101
Carlos Xuma writes about dating challenges and how to overcome them, all from the man’s perspective. He understands that women have shared information on how to rule the world of relationships since time began. They rule through sexual power and an innate understanding of psychology and persuasion.
Guys need that same knowledge.
You need an ally in this game, and Carlos is here to give you that winning edge. The methods and techniques you learn in his various programs teach you how to be more successful with women by winning at your INNER game. Inner game is the sense of selfconfidence and self-esteem that a true Alpha Man feels when his life is together. He has goals and a purpose.
Character and integrity.
And if a man is going somewhere in life with a passion, women will want to be a part of that lifestyle. No deception, tricks, or hypnosis. You learn how to succeed with women by being the best man you can be - from the inside out.
Carlos’ dating tips and advice for men are seen and/or heard on World Talk Radio, Maxim Radio, Double Agent, Summum Magazine, The Dating Insider Book, Bikini Hangout,,, Don Juan, and many more online and offline publications.
Carlos Xuma is the author of The Dating Black Book and Seduction Method e-books, along with the Secrets of the Alpha Man and the Approach Women Now programs. He also produces and records the Advanced Audio Coaching each month – now in its third year!
Carlos also teaches Seminars in the San Francisco Bay Area for men looking to reconnect with their masculinity and become more successful with women - both field work as well as workshops.
According to Xuma he started out studying the social dynamics and interaction between men and women. This lead him to integrate his martial arts training and Eastern philosophy into a system of explanations and metaphors of human interaction and motivational explanations.
Xuma's core idea is the Alpha Male, who displays masculine and leadership behavior. According to Xuma, this personality types incorporates useful traits, such as emotional and social intelligence, ambition, verbal acuity, and a keen perception of character. He encourages men to communicate their masculinity and sexuality with both techniques (model verbal and physical actions) and confidence-building to ensure that they are achieving authentic attraction.
Advice on Attraction
Xuma argues that most of the problems men face in romance and attraction stem from a gender disadvantage: women are socialized to be collaborators and communicators from early childhood, while men are socialized as independent and competitors. His instruction aims to rehabilitate of a man's self-confidence. He describes the three primary parts of a man's masculine confidence as: 1) Self-esteem (how worthy a man views himself), 2) Self-image (the roles or actions a man can and cannot envision himself performing), and 3) Self-confidence (how certain a man is about his world and abilities in general.)
Furthermore, three parts appeal to a man's attractiveness to women: 1) Self-discipline, 2) Self-confidence, and 3) Sense of humor. These are referred to as the "Three S's," and they form the framework of a man's approach to interaction with women.
Xuma contends that men in the post-feminist era (born after 1970) lack advantage with women in terms of socialization. Due to the proliferation of media images and - as Xuma states - "Disney programming," men are confused as to their gender roles and to what women find genuinely and uniquely attractive about men. These attractive qualities, Xuma states, have not changed - only undergone an evolution.
Relationships are no longer what they once were - required for survival, and that the only remaining enticement of marriage and long-term relationships is self-improvement. Xuma is noted as saying: "You will learn more about yourself in the context of a long-term relationship then you will in any other way. "
Secrets of the Alpha Man ebook is the first to bring together the success principles with pickup and attracting women and the skills that make a man ALPHA. These are the bedrock principles of the Alpha Man, and how he can shape his life into the success that he desires.
Secrets of the Alpha Man is your first step in a complete instructional system designed to put men on a path towards personal power, career success and total confidence with women .
This program works on multiple levels . First, you will learn to develop a mindset of absolute, unstoppable confidence that will eliminate any feelings of fear, anxiety or complacency . Next, we will teach you an arsenal of specific tactics and techniques for winning in any social setting. This especially applies to your interactions with women.
You will learn automatic approaches, the secrets of subliminally guiding and controlling conversations, surefire closing" techniques, and most importantly, gain the confidence and knowledge to date the most desirable women on your terms , instead of theirs
Secrets of the Alpha Man e-book will show you...
* How the "Twin Demons," Pain and Fear, have kept you from capitalizing on many sexual opportunities without you even realizing it, and how to conquer them forever
* How the internal chemistry of our brain has a powerful influence on how we respond to women , and why emotional control is the key to making women feel "bonded" to you
* The truth about "negs" and the "cocky/funny" approach. Why these methods backfire in most cases, and why you should use "teases" instead... especially to capture the interest of High Status Females
* An easy, effective strategy for "turning the tables" : make her feel the need to prove herself to you
* Subliminal techniques for reinforcing and boosting your own confidence to a constant Alpha level
What "Secrets of the Alpha Man" is NOT!
* This book is NOT another lame self-help book like you see in the stores these days. This is time-proven success secrets from the Natural Alpha Men who GET women
* This book is NOT another tired collection of "pickup lines".
* This book is NOT a bunch of useless dating tips on body language, like "walk confidently".
* This book is NOT a collection of "field reports" from guys talking about their sleazy conquests.
* This book is NOT another list of affirmations - we show you how to build REAL confidence with REAL life skills.
Carlos Xuma is well-known by just about any guy who is interested in getting better with women. A major contributor to his considerable popularity is his authenticity. Carlos is all about helping men be the best they can be, and it shows. Listen in as we deal with a topic that consistently derails both men and women when it comes to dating success. Find out what games" really are, how to identify them and...most you can finally deal with them effectively. Never be anyone's fool ever again.
Carlos has been a featured advisor and author on ABC Television - "View from the Bay", CBS Television,European TV, The Allen Handelman "Rock Talk" Radio Show, Maxim Radio, Utopia Radio, WorldTalk Radio Single Again, Cliff's List, Dating Class, Summum Magazine (The French Canadian "Maxim"), Focus News Fast Seduction 101
Carlos Xuma writes about dating challenges and how to overcome them, all from the man’s perspective. He understands that women have shared information on how to rule the world of relationships since time began. They rule through sexual power and an innate understanding of psychology and persuasion.
Guys need that same knowledge.
You need an ally in this game, and Carlos is here to give you that winning edge. The methods and techniques you learn in his various programs teach you how to be more successful with women by winning at your INNER game. Inner game is the sense of selfconfidence and self-esteem that a true Alpha Man feels when his life is together. He has goals and a purpose.
Character and integrity.
And if a man is going somewhere in life with a passion, women will want to be a part of that lifestyle. No deception, tricks, or hypnosis. You learn how to succeed with women by being the best man you can be - from the inside out.
Carlos’ dating tips and advice for men are seen and/or heard on World Talk Radio, Maxim Radio, Double Agent, Summum Magazine, The Dating Insider Book, Bikini Hangout,,, Don Juan, and many more online and offline publications.
Carlos Xuma is the author of The Dating Black Book and Seduction Method e-books, along with the Secrets of the Alpha Man and the Approach Women Now programs. He also produces and records the Advanced Audio Coaching each month – now in its third year!
Carlos also teaches Seminars in the San Francisco Bay Area for men looking to reconnect with their masculinity and become more successful with women - both field work as well as workshops.
According to Xuma he started out studying the social dynamics and interaction between men and women. This lead him to integrate his martial arts training and Eastern philosophy into a system of explanations and metaphors of human interaction and motivational explanations.
Xuma's core idea is the Alpha Male, who displays masculine and leadership behavior. According to Xuma, this personality types incorporates useful traits, such as emotional and social intelligence, ambition, verbal acuity, and a keen perception of character. He encourages men to communicate their masculinity and sexuality with both techniques (model verbal and physical actions) and confidence-building to ensure that they are achieving authentic attraction.
Advice on Attraction
Xuma argues that most of the problems men face in romance and attraction stem from a gender disadvantage: women are socialized to be collaborators and communicators from early childhood, while men are socialized as independent and competitors. His instruction aims to rehabilitate of a man's self-confidence. He describes the three primary parts of a man's masculine confidence as: 1) Self-esteem (how worthy a man views himself), 2) Self-image (the roles or actions a man can and cannot envision himself performing), and 3) Self-confidence (how certain a man is about his world and abilities in general.)
Furthermore, three parts appeal to a man's attractiveness to women: 1) Self-discipline, 2) Self-confidence, and 3) Sense of humor. These are referred to as the "Three S's," and they form the framework of a man's approach to interaction with women.
Xuma contends that men in the post-feminist era (born after 1970) lack advantage with women in terms of socialization. Due to the proliferation of media images and - as Xuma states - "Disney programming," men are confused as to their gender roles and to what women find genuinely and uniquely attractive about men. These attractive qualities, Xuma states, have not changed - only undergone an evolution.
Relationships are no longer what they once were - required for survival, and that the only remaining enticement of marriage and long-term relationships is self-improvement. Xuma is noted as saying: "You will learn more about yourself in the context of a long-term relationship then you will in any other way. "
Carlos Xuma reveals the secret way to use social dynamics to create that It" factor in your life and get women in your life Now with his Dating Black Book.
Carlos gives you genuine advice on what women find attractive in a man and shows you specific knowledge to actually attract more women and have better dates with women than ever before.
The Dating Black Book is all about R.E.A.L. game not outdated pickup lines or ineffective techniques.
R = Relaxed and Resourceful
E = Effective and Energized
A = Authentic and Alpha
L = Lifestyle and Lasting
Some of the knowledge you will receive in the Dating Black Book:
* -How to develop both your inner and external game
* -How to destroy and conquer the primary sources of your dating pain and failures.
* -Learn to turn your "Male Guilt" into power
* -Discover the Truth of what it means to be a "Challenge" and use it to Pick-Up women
* -How to Create a Dating Strategy you can use to develop the kind of success you want with women.
The Dating Black Book is a must for any man looking to improve his success with women.
Carlos Xuma is about to rip open and expose all the myths about attracting beautiful women into your life... In this groundbreaking manual, The Dating Black Book, you're going to learn about women, attraction, and relationships like never before. Carlos draws on years of experience in Eastern philosophy, psychology, Martial Arts, sales, and plain old common sense to explain the mystifying and confusing world of dating and relationships. Inside, you'll find tips, secrets, techniques, principles, and advice that will become your arsenal in the harrowing world of today's single man. You'll learn the attraction strategies that women have known and used for thousands of years, and finally understand the true rules of dating success. Also included are Carlos' exclusive versions of "Transitions: Stepping Stones to Success" and "Dating Q&A.""
Philosophy now offers the ultimate bubble bath experience with their new 'falling in love' bubble bath.^A This unique, high foaming formula is infused with their sensual 'falling in love' fragrance that will calm your mind and bring sensuality into focus.
The philosophy behind philosophy? When it comes to love you need not fall but rather surrender. Surrender to the idea that you must love yourself before you can love another.^A You must absolutely trust yourself before you can absolutely trust another and most importantly you must accept your flaws before you can accept the flaws of another.
Escape your everyday stress and fall in love all over again on Valentine's Day.
Suggested free e-books to read:
Robert Henderson - Secrets Of Dating Asian WomenLeil Lowndes - How To Make Anyone Fall In Love With You
Scott Peck - Dating And Falling In Love
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Carlos Xuma is well-known by just about any guy who is interested in getting better with women. A major contributor to his considerable popularity is his authenticity. Carlos is all about helping men be the best they can be, and it shows. Listen in as we deal with a topic that consistently derails both men and women when it comes to dating success. Find out what games" really are, how to identify them and...most you can finally deal with them effectively. Never be anyone's fool ever again.
Carlos has been a featured advisor and author on ABC Television - "View from the Bay", CBS Television,European TV, The Allen Handelman "Rock Talk" Radio Show, Maxim Radio, Utopia Radio, WorldTalk Radio Single Again, Cliff's List, Dating Class, Summum Magazine (The French Canadian "Maxim"), Focus News Fast Seduction 101
Carlos Xuma writes about dating challenges and how to overcome them, all from the man’s perspective. He understands that women have shared information on how to rule the world of relationships since time began. They rule through sexual power and an innate understanding of psychology and persuasion.
Guys need that same knowledge.
You need an ally in this game, and Carlos is here to give you that winning edge. The methods and techniques you learn in his various programs teach you how to be more successful with women by winning at your INNER game. Inner game is the sense of selfconfidence and self-esteem that a true Alpha Man feels when his life is together. He has goals and a purpose.
Character and integrity.
And if a man is going somewhere in life with a passion, women will want to be a part of that lifestyle. No deception, tricks, or hypnosis. You learn how to succeed with women by being the best man you can be - from the inside out.
Carlos’ dating tips and advice for men are seen and/or heard on World Talk Radio, Maxim Radio, Double Agent, Summum Magazine, The Dating Insider Book, Bikini Hangout,,, Don Juan, and many more online and offline publications.
Carlos Xuma is the author of The Dating Black Book and Seduction Method e-books, along with the Secrets of the Alpha Man and the Approach Women Now programs. He also produces and records the Advanced Audio Coaching each month – now in its third year!
Carlos also teaches Seminars in the San Francisco Bay Area for men looking to reconnect with their masculinity and become more successful with women - both field work as well as workshops.
According to Xuma he started out studying the social dynamics and interaction between men and women. This lead him to integrate his martial arts training and Eastern philosophy into a system of explanations and metaphors of human interaction and motivational explanations.
Xuma's core idea is the Alpha Male, who displays masculine and leadership behavior. According to Xuma, this personality types incorporates useful traits, such as emotional and social intelligence, ambition, verbal acuity, and a keen perception of character. He encourages men to communicate their masculinity and sexuality with both techniques (model verbal and physical actions) and confidence-building to ensure that they are achieving authentic attraction.
Advice on Attraction
Xuma argues that most of the problems men face in romance and attraction stem from a gender disadvantage: women are socialized to be collaborators and communicators from early childhood, while men are socialized as independent and competitors. His instruction aims to rehabilitate of a man's self-confidence. He describes the three primary parts of a man's masculine confidence as: 1) Self-esteem (how worthy a man views himself), 2) Self-image (the roles or actions a man can and cannot envision himself performing), and 3) Self-confidence (how certain a man is about his world and abilities in general.)
Furthermore, three parts appeal to a man's attractiveness to women: 1) Self-discipline, 2) Self-confidence, and 3) Sense of humor. These are referred to as the "Three S's," and they form the framework of a man's approach to interaction with women.
Xuma contends that men in the post-feminist era (born after 1970) lack advantage with women in terms of socialization. Due to the proliferation of media images and - as Xuma states - "Disney programming," men are confused as to their gender roles and to what women find genuinely and uniquely attractive about men. These attractive qualities, Xuma states, have not changed - only undergone an evolution.
Relationships are no longer what they once were - required for survival, and that the only remaining enticement of marriage and long-term relationships is self-improvement. Xuma is noted as saying: "You will learn more about yourself in the context of a long-term relationship then you will in any other way. "
In this 50 page Q&A ebook from Carlos Xuma, you will get the answers to the top questions guys ask about women and dating - and the answers that the other gurus" are afraid to share with you. This is an unflinching and realistic exposure of how to really win the game of dating and attraction.
• Learn the three essential attitudes that draw women to men
• These Three Attitudes will improve your image 100+% in the eyes of the women you approach and date...
• How to "close the deal" with women more consistently and regularly by learning how most guys screw up things with women and shut themselves out...
• How to date the women who have busy, active lifestyles - the quality women who can be difficult to connect with - and the big trap that guys fall into with these women that leaves them frustrated and compromised...
• The three "S"s of how to impress a woman and reach her on a level that tells her "Hey, this guy is just like me..."
• How to get rid of fear and nervousness around women that sabotages your efforts to get phone numbers and dates...
Seduction Method is an e-book written by Carlos Xuma a self profess guru in this topic with lots of hands-on experience. Here, he shares his understanding and knowledge of the art of seducing women with you and getting laid. The ultimate goal of a seduction is sex - and this book shows you how to get there. It is a perfect resource for you to learn how to eat a girl out and how to get laid.
Seduction Method as its name suggest approaches the subject at hand very methodically and covers the subject very comprehensively. As a matter of fact, you can call it the bible of seduction.
The interesting about Seduction Method is it not only explains to you on the various stages of seduction, it also tells you much more than that. Seduction Method kicks off with the definition and psychology behind seduction. Psychology of seduction gives readers a delightful insight in a woman's psyche. That would be a very helpful piece on information in your quest to sort of understand a woman…
This is followed by the stages of seduction the interesting thing about this segment is the author's illustration on ways to approach women in different situation and scenarios. Here, the author pretty much covers most of the scenarios you are likely to run into women. I like the examples given as they spell out the goals that you should try to achieve and how you should proceed to achieve that goal…
Another interesting section is the one on the classification of women into different categories. The characteristics of different categories listed here can come in handy in a seduction exercise. There's also a write up on kino which one can use to effectively speed up the seduction process.
Learn How To Eat A Girl Out
This book will not be complete if it only teaches how to seduce a woman without teaching you how to give them pleasure. Human in general love to feel good, so if the woman you seduce had a great time, you can bet your last dollar she'll be back for more. The last part of this book is dedicated to those who seek to improve and sharpen their bedroom skills. How To Drive Her Crazy In Bed", a definite must read for Casanovas and those who wish to keep their woman happy. Found this phrase in this chapter, "Women Have Sex with Men They Fall in Love With, Men Fall in Love with Women They Have Sex With", I totally agree with it.
Seduction Method even goes the extra mile by giving you tips on how to disentangle yourself from a target, something akin to 'How To Lose A Girl in 5 days'.
Last but not least the author enthuses on the importance of seduction in every romantic involvement, be it a short term fling or a long term relationship."
Immerse yourself, try everything, but pick and mix, find the stuff that is right for YOU, for your personality, that you feel comfortable with. As you move about the room, positive perception of you will grow. Success Stories" is about relationships, body language and how we relate to each other. "Success Stories" - a fantastic work with great insights into impro and status. It will be a more comfortable, experienced, knowledgeable and interesting self so by then it is fine."
Cameron “Iron Man” or The One" Teone earned his Iron Man nickname from us by meeting a gorgeous professional model while he was dressed like the Big Lebowski after a visit to the gym. (it takes balls of iron for most guys to even talk to such women) He's our “go to” guy and is perhaps best known for helping men in dropping their ineffective routines, and throwing away their canned and cheesy pickup lines and destroying their limiting beliefs. One of his biggest contributions to the pickup & seduction community is the introduction of “Attribute Based Training”, a process designed to help trasform guys into men who attract women naturally.
Cameron will delve into a very advanced area of dating that he's never discussed before! He's going to discuss why so many men fail in their quest to improve their dating lives, deliver a thorough understanding of male/female archetypes, and teach how you too can apply it to achieve success in attracting women.
Passionate and fierce, Cameron is who we call on when we need to inspire a revolution. He will teach you how to best utilize your own passions and personality to attract women without the help of silly fuzzy hats or wearing makeup. He may be crude, and he may be tactless, but he will instill upon you the knowledge on how to discern the type of woman you want and how to go about getting her!
Cameron Teone is one of the world’s premiere dating coaches in teaching natural game. He is known for his laid-back, accessible approach and unique methods dedicated to self-development. His specialty, however, is helping men drop routines and throw away their canned and cheesy pickup lines--all while destroying their limiting beliefs and helping develop attributes that will attract women naturally. Find out in this audio session what it means to be a man of high quality by defining and living up to your own standard of character. If you have tried and been frustrated by pre-packaged seduction routines and tactics in the past this discussion will empower you like never before.
Passionate, audacious, and satirical, this man applies what he calls the “JKD Approach” to dating. Having studied every possible method of “pickup”, he's isolated the practical pieces of all while discarding the least applicable concepts.
Cameron was one of the few steady personalities through the entire Project Hollywood experiment. He came over to the house often, and was also a co-instructor on numerous RSD & Mystery Method workshops.
Unlike a lot of pro-PUAs Cameron both is GOOD and WANTS to help guys get good with women. He’s been vetted. All of the really really good PUAs have seen him and worked with him. He’s in that top tier of guys who can get results in any environment, under any circumstance.
In my opinion, a pick-up artist can be defined as a guy who CAN reverse an interaction which is not going well. He can sense that the girl is put-off for some reason, and can calibrate to that, adjusting his technique to match the girls energy. This is very very hard to do, and takes an extraordinary amount of experience.
Most coaches these days are able to approach women. BUT, they cannot reverse that negatively flowing interaction. They do not understand the “art” of the pick-up.
Why do you think most newer PUAs these days are good-looking? That’s because they get results based upon their looks, and not their skill.
Be very very careful of working with one of the newer companies that exist these days. Most are not vetted. Most are not teaching real, effective skill.
Cameron IS. I know it, because I’ve seen it. Sure, he’s a good looking guy and that helps. But, more importantly, he is able to reverse a conversation that is not going well. He is able to calibrate and redirect the flow of the interaction should it suddenly devolve or change course.
This is not easy to do, and there are very very few of us who can do it. Cameron is one of that small-set of individuals.
Cameron offers training and coaching via his company, Attract Women Anywhere.
Cameron “Iron Man” or The One" Teone earned his Iron Man nickname from us by meeting a gorgeous professional model while he was dressed like the Big Lebowski after a visit to the gym. (it takes balls of iron for most guys to even talk to such women) He's our “go to” guy and is perhaps best known for helping men in dropping their ineffective routines, and throwing away their canned and cheesy pickup lines and destroying their limiting beliefs. One of his biggest contributions to the pickup & seduction community is the introduction of “Attribute Based Training”, a process designed to help trasform guys into men who attract women naturally.
Cameron will delve into a very advanced area of dating that he's never discussed before! He's going to discuss why so many men fail in their quest to improve their dating lives, deliver a thorough understanding of male/female archetypes, and teach how you too can apply it to achieve success in attracting women.
Passionate and fierce, Cameron is who we call on when we need to inspire a revolution. He will teach you how to best utilize your own passions and personality to attract women without the help of silly fuzzy hats or wearing makeup. He may be crude, and he may be tactless, but he will instill upon you the knowledge on how to discern the type of woman you want and how to go about getting her!
Cameron Teone is one of the world’s premiere dating coaches in teaching natural game. He is known for his laid-back, accessible approach and unique methods dedicated to self-development. His specialty, however, is helping men drop routines and throw away their canned and cheesy pickup lines--all while destroying their limiting beliefs and helping develop attributes that will attract women naturally. Find out in this audio session what it means to be a man of high quality by defining and living up to your own standard of character. If you have tried and been frustrated by pre-packaged seduction routines and tactics in the past this discussion will empower you like never before.
Passionate, audacious, and satirical, this man applies what he calls the “JKD Approach” to dating. Having studied every possible method of “pickup”, he's isolated the practical pieces of all while discarding the least applicable concepts.
Cameron was one of the few steady personalities through the entire Project Hollywood experiment. He came over to the house often, and was also a co-instructor on numerous RSD & Mystery Method workshops.
Unlike a lot of pro-PUAs Cameron both is GOOD and WANTS to help guys get good with women. He’s been vetted. All of the really really good PUAs have seen him and worked with him. He’s in that top tier of guys who can get results in any environment, under any circumstance.
In my opinion, a pick-up artist can be defined as a guy who CAN reverse an interaction which is not going well. He can sense that the girl is put-off for some reason, and can calibrate to that, adjusting his technique to match the girls energy. This is very very hard to do, and takes an extraordinary amount of experience.
Most coaches these days are able to approach women. BUT, they cannot reverse that negatively flowing interaction. They do not understand the “art” of the pick-up.
Why do you think most newer PUAs these days are good-looking? That’s because they get results based upon their looks, and not their skill.
Be very very careful of working with one of the newer companies that exist these days. Most are not vetted. Most are not teaching real, effective skill.
Cameron IS. I know it, because I’ve seen it. Sure, he’s a good looking guy and that helps. But, more importantly, he is able to reverse a conversation that is not going well. He is able to calibrate and redirect the flow of the interaction should it suddenly devolve or change course.
This is not easy to do, and there are very very few of us who can do it. Cameron is one of that small-set of individuals.
Cameron offers training and coaching via his company, Attract Women Anywhere.
Whether you know nothing or plentiful about dating, I hope that you will find the short tips within this special report useful for your next date! You
will also come to gather that like any sports you watch on TV, dating is a game. Some times you win, and some times, well, you lose.
But one thing’s for sure: no GUYS on this planet love rejection from the opposite sex the admire so much!
However, you can greatly improve the odds because in as much as most guys assume that women are so-called “from a different planet”, you can control the game of dating and win – only if you understand how a woman thinks!
That’s one of the first steps. Within the coming pages, discover some powerful dating tips you can use for your own and develop a better understanding over the opposite sex.
This is also my way of demonstrating my expertise in this field to you – just wait until you see what I offer in my paid products and services I think you’ll definitely be interested.
So, have fun reading this special report, and don’t forget to print it out! To Your Dating Success!
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