Yes, this is yet another Christian dating book. You'd think Christians really need help with all the dating books that are out there. And the titles are so captivating, it's almost trickery.
But I digress. STEPHEN W. SIMPSON's "What Women Wish You Knew About Dating" is a great dating advice book because it is filled with wit (you will laugh out loud a few times) and a whole lot of reality checks.
Whether you are already in a relationship or would, perhaps, in the near future, like to be, this book teaches you how to treat a woman so that she is always in love with you, has passion for you, and never thinks about going after the BBD. You are the BBD.
Kudos to Simpson for defining the differences between men and women, and for discussing touchy topics like pre-marital sex (kidding). Even if you're a woman who wonders why guys just don't get you, Simpson's book will definitely shed some light on the subject for you.
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Alphahot1 - Hey Do You Want Women To Pick You Up Gift Wrap TechniqueElena Petrova - Scam Prevention Tips For Online Dating
Don Diebel - How To Talk To Single Women When On A Date
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