Some have never had luck with women, some have come out of a long relationship, some just would like to be a bit more in control of their love life. But the result is the same - the ability to attract and seduce women. The Advanced Hypnotic Techniques" is a simple, easy-to-follow guide to the basics of approaching and attracting women. For every man who always wondered why some guys have all the luck, J Siverthorn, considered by many to be the world greatest pickup artist, finally reveals his secrets for finding and forming relationships with some of the world most beautiful women. The world of excess presented here is not one most of us move in, but (if the truth were told) it has its irresistible attractions. Nlp is not necessary for pick up but it is good for your own confidence and language patterns etc, and can be used."
Focus Directing Questions" - the great work on seduction, bar none. Think of it like going to Pua University, come for a few months, learn the stuff (go out sarging and being weird and lying) then go back to the real world. You will learn some definately new perpectives on the whole women situation. You will become a very weird person, you will give up your friends, and you will find it hard to have a normal relationship with a woman. It is hard work to learn it all but you will see results long before you are a master."
Seven Success Secrets Of Hypnotism" have mainstream success. A good introduction. Good story, useable knowledge. The world of excess presented here is not one most of us move in, but (if the truth were told) it has its irresistible attractions. Immerse yourself, try everything, but pick and mix, find the stuff that is right for YOU, for your personality, that you feel comfortable with. It is the how to guide that most men should read. Some have never had luck with women, some have come out of a long relationship, some just would like to be a bit more in control of their love life. But the result is the same - the ability to attract and seduce women."
Training Trances" - a fantastic work with great insights into impro and status. Guys who do not get laid, do not smile. There is no one magic formula that is perfect for everybody, find the one that is right for you. All wannabee Puas should do some acting training, it will make them better. All wannabee Puas should do some acting training, it will make them better."
IN10SE aka Twotimer
created OctoberMan
If you've ever read “The Game”, you know IN10se aka 'TwoTimer' and his forbidden NLP pattern: The October Man Sequence. Legend has it, saying these magic words will instantly get a girl so attracted to you, she will want to tear your clothes off, and take you home right away. And in this article, I'll reveal some of it's secret background, hidden psychology, and even tell you how to see the one – and only – Demonstration of The Octoberman Sequence ever recorded on video.
But you have to hang out with Twotimer and me some time. We've been sarging with Ross Jeffries a lot. Yeah, I use a canned opener, then I elicit her values and find out her trance words. And then I go into one of the secret patterns. Do you know the October Man sequence? - Strauss, Neil. The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists. 1st ed. 2005. p.39.
IN10SE aka Twotimer
created OctoberMan
If you've ever read “The Game”, you know IN10se aka 'TwoTimer' and his forbidden NLP pattern: The October Man Sequence. Legend has it, saying these magic words will instantly get a girl so attracted to you, she will want to tear your clothes off, and take you home right away. And in this article, I'll reveal some of it's secret background, hidden psychology, and even tell you how to see the one – and only – Demonstration of The Octoberman Sequence ever recorded on video.
But you have to hang out with Twotimer and me some time. We've been sarging with Ross Jeffries a lot. Yeah, I use a canned opener, then I elicit her values and find out her trance words. And then I go into one of the secret patterns. Do you know the October Man sequence? - Strauss, Neil. The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists. 1st ed. 2005. p.39.
IN10SE aka Twotimer
created OctoberMan
If you've ever read “The Game”, you know IN10se aka 'TwoTimer' and his forbidden NLP pattern: The October Man Sequence. Legend has it, saying these magic words will instantly get a girl so attracted to you, she will want to tear your clothes off, and take you home right away. And in this article, I'll reveal some of it's secret background, hidden psychology, and even tell you how to see the one – and only – Demonstration of The Octoberman Sequence ever recorded on video.
But you have to hang out with Twotimer and me some time. We've been sarging with Ross Jeffries a lot. Yeah, I use a canned opener, then I elicit her values and find out her trance words. And then I go into one of the secret patterns. Do you know the October Man sequence? - Strauss, Neil. The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists. 1st ed. 2005. p.39.
IN10SE aka Twotimer
created OctoberMan
If you've ever read “The Game”, you know IN10se aka 'TwoTimer' and his forbidden NLP pattern: The October Man Sequence. Legend has it, saying these magic words will instantly get a girl so attracted to you, she will want to tear your clothes off, and take you home right away. And in this article, I'll reveal some of it's secret background, hidden psychology, and even tell you how to see the one – and only – Demonstration of The Octoberman Sequence ever recorded on video.
But you have to hang out with Twotimer and me some time. We've been sarging with Ross Jeffries a lot. Yeah, I use a canned opener, then I elicit her values and find out her trance words. And then I go into one of the secret patterns. Do you know the October Man sequence? - Strauss, Neil. The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists. 1st ed. 2005. p.39.
IN10SE aka Twotimer
created OctoberMan
If you've ever read “The Game”, you know IN10se aka 'TwoTimer' and his forbidden NLP pattern: The October Man Sequence. Legend has it, saying these magic words will instantly get a girl so attracted to you, she will want to tear your clothes off, and take you home right away. And in this article, I'll reveal some of it's secret background, hidden psychology, and even tell you how to see the one – and only – Demonstration of The Octoberman Sequence ever recorded on video.
But you have to hang out with Twotimer and me some time. We've been sarging with Ross Jeffries a lot. Yeah, I use a canned opener, then I elicit her values and find out her trance words. And then I go into one of the secret patterns. Do you know the October Man sequence? - Strauss, Neil. The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists. 1st ed. 2005. p.39.
IN10SE aka Twotimer
created OctoberMan
If you've ever read “The Game”, you know IN10se aka 'TwoTimer' and his forbidden NLP pattern: The October Man Sequence. Legend has it, saying these magic words will instantly get a girl so attracted to you, she will want to tear your clothes off, and take you home right away. And in this article, I'll reveal some of it's secret background, hidden psychology, and even tell you how to see the one – and only – Demonstration of The Octoberman Sequence ever recorded on video.
But you have to hang out with Twotimer and me some time. We've been sarging with Ross Jeffries a lot. Yeah, I use a canned opener, then I elicit her values and find out her trance words. And then I go into one of the secret patterns. Do you know the October Man sequence? - Strauss, Neil. The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists. 1st ed. 2005. p.39.
IN10SE aka Twotimer
created OctoberMan
If you've ever read “The Game”, you know IN10se aka 'TwoTimer' and his forbidden NLP pattern: The October Man Sequence. Legend has it, saying these magic words will instantly get a girl so attracted to you, she will want to tear your clothes off, and take you home right away. And in this article, I'll reveal some of it's secret background, hidden psychology, and even tell you how to see the one – and only – Demonstration of The Octoberman Sequence ever recorded on video.
But you have to hang out with Twotimer and me some time. We've been sarging with Ross Jeffries a lot. Yeah, I use a canned opener, then I elicit her values and find out her trance words. And then I go into one of the secret patterns. Do you know the October Man sequence? - Strauss, Neil. The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists. 1st ed. 2005. p.39.
IN10SE aka Twotimer
created OctoberMan
If you've ever read “The Game”, you know IN10se aka 'TwoTimer' and his forbidden NLP pattern: The October Man Sequence. Legend has it, saying these magic words will instantly get a girl so attracted to you, she will want to tear your clothes off, and take you home right away. And in this article, I'll reveal some of it's secret background, hidden psychology, and even tell you how to see the one – and only – Demonstration of The Octoberman Sequence ever recorded on video.
But you have to hang out with Twotimer and me some time. We've been sarging with Ross Jeffries a lot. Yeah, I use a canned opener, then I elicit her values and find out her trance words. And then I go into one of the secret patterns. Do you know the October Man sequence? - Strauss, Neil. The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists. 1st ed. 2005. p.39.
If there was ever one single specialized seduction pattern that generated the most buzz in the community, doubtless it was “The October Man Sequence”.
Of course, when it was created, I don’t think that was its name, but it was so secret that when Neil Strauss wrote his now-famous book “The Game: Penetrating The Secret Society of Pickup Artists” he needed a way to disguise the secret technique to conceal it from the mainstream.
But his fleeting reference to it and how powerful it was didn’t go unnoticed. Finally, after constant requests, “The October Man Pattern” has been released to the public in its full form, with the requisite “use at your own risk” disclaimers. It is written by the original author himself (Twotimer/IN10SE from “The Game”).
The first question for those unfamiliar with it at all is “what is it?”
Simply stated, “The October Man Sequence” is a sequence of things to say and do that can quickly lead to sex, and then further to essentially creating a new sexual identity in a woman, an identity of your choosing. If that identity happens to be your sexual plaything, that is supposedly your choice, after all you are warned in the book that it might create a stalker!
OK, all this being said, you need to first realize that it is not all as cookie cutter as it might sound. It is not an exact script, you can’t just memorize certain magical words like some arcane incantation that will make women undress before your very eyes. There is a little more to it.
Almost all of “The October Man Sequence” is based on principles of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming). If you are not familiar with NLP, you can search online for more about it, but it is basically a new branch of psychology. I won’t go into an explanation here, but I do think that to use “The October Man Sequence” to its full effect you will want at least some understanding of NLP.
That being said, the book and accompanying audio does about the best job I have seen of making patterns useable by those uninitiated to the intricacies of NLP. I do believe that you can get great results even without knowing anything about NLP.
OK, so for more about the product itself, what you get is:
* The October Man eBook (in PDF form) or The October Man Audio (in MP3 form)
The great thing about all of these are that they are downloadable instantly once you buy, so its instant gratification, you don’t waste any time in getting down to learning.
The October Man audio is basically the author reading the eBook, with a few differences. It is great because you get to hear the exact tonality and pace that he would use himself when doing the sequence, and you can listen to this anywhere you go.
The eBook itself is really, really cool. It has a cool, abstract illustrations and underground feel that is itself somewhat hypnotic as you read it, which is interesting since The October Man itself teaches you how to create hypnotic effects. You get flowcharts of the process and explanations of key concepts (such as Sexual Identity, the 3 components of hypnosis, the Authority Principle, Emotional vs. Physical Responsiveness, Symbolic Morphology, and more).
Usually I go into a bit more detail about the actual contents of the books I review, but in this case the author specifically asked me not to reveal the details and secrets of the sequence.
I will however share my own experience with using one aspect of the sequence, namely Symbolic Morphology, since it was something I had used before reading the book. Basically, Symbolic Morphology is where you get someone to turn their feelings into a symbol (for example a glowing red sphere), then you play around with that symbol to either decrease or amplify that feeling (clearly you would decrease negative feelings and increase pleasurable ones). At the end, you link positive feelings to yourself, and move into more intimate physical touch. There are a lot more details to know about how to do it properly, and these are well explained in the book.
The first time I used it this was in Korea with a super hot aerobics instructor (she looked liked Lucy Liu and had hair down to her waist). I used it to help her feel better about some things that were bothering her, even though I didn’t know her at all and would not normally be qualified to help. While there were other things I did to peak her attraction, I can definitely say that the Symbolic Morphology I did with her had the most profound effect of anything I did with her up to that point. We had just met, but within an hour of doing the Symbolic Morphology with her we were back in my hotel room having some of the most incredible sex ever.
I didn’t use Symbolic Morphology much since then, but after reading The October Man Sequence and listening to the supplementary audio tracks, I remembered how truly powerful it can be, and even more so when you put it all in the proper sequence.
So to sum it all up, from reading the book and from personal experience with the techniques it teaches, I can say for sure that this is a great product that can certainly do what it promises if you put the effort in to learn its parts and practice with it. It shouldn’t be your only tool, but it is by itself one of the most powerful single tools out there. So satisfy your curiosity and your sex drive at the same time, check out The October Man Sequence.
~Ray Devans (a.k.a. TokyoPUA), 2007-02-26
If there was ever one single specialized seduction pattern that generated the most buzz in the community, doubtless it was “The October Man Sequence”.
Of course, when it was created, I don’t think that was its name, but it was so secret that when Neil Strauss wrote his now-famous book “The Game: Penetrating The Secret Society of Pickup Artists” he needed a way to disguise the secret technique to conceal it from the mainstream.
But his fleeting reference to it and how powerful it was didn’t go unnoticed. Finally, after constant requests, “The October Man Pattern” has been released to the public in its full form, with the requisite “use at your own risk” disclaimers. It is written by the original author himself (Twotimer/IN10SE from “The Game”).
The first question for those unfamiliar with it at all is “what is it?”
Simply stated, “The October Man Sequence” is a sequence of things to say and do that can quickly lead to sex, and then further to essentially creating a new sexual identity in a woman, an identity of your choosing. If that identity happens to be your sexual plaything, that is supposedly your choice, after all you are warned in the book that it might create a stalker!
OK, all this being said, you need to first realize that it is not all as cookie cutter as it might sound. It is not an exact script, you can’t just memorize certain magical words like some arcane incantation that will make women undress before your very eyes. There is a little more to it.
Almost all of “The October Man Sequence” is based on principles of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming). If you are not familiar with NLP, you can search online for more about it, but it is basically a new branch of psychology. I won’t go into an explanation here, but I do think that to use “The October Man Sequence” to its full effect you will want at least some understanding of NLP.
That being said, the book and accompanying audio does about the best job I have seen of making patterns useable by those uninitiated to the intricacies of NLP. I do believe that you can get great results even without knowing anything about NLP.
OK, so for more about the product itself, what you get is:
* The October Man eBook (in PDF form) or The October Man Audio (in MP3 form)
The great thing about all of these are that they are downloadable instantly once you buy, so its instant gratification, you don’t waste any time in getting down to learning.
The October Man audio is basically the author reading the eBook, with a few differences. It is great because you get to hear the exact tonality and pace that he would use himself when doing the sequence, and you can listen to this anywhere you go.
The eBook itself is really, really cool. It has a cool, abstract illustrations and underground feel that is itself somewhat hypnotic as you read it, which is interesting since The October Man itself teaches you how to create hypnotic effects. You get flowcharts of the process and explanations of key concepts (such as Sexual Identity, the 3 components of hypnosis, the Authority Principle, Emotional vs. Physical Responsiveness, Symbolic Morphology, and more).
Usually I go into a bit more detail about the actual contents of the books I review, but in this case the author specifically asked me not to reveal the details and secrets of the sequence.
I will however share my own experience with using one aspect of the sequence, namely Symbolic Morphology, since it was something I had used before reading the book. Basically, Symbolic Morphology is where you get someone to turn their feelings into a symbol (for example a glowing red sphere), then you play around with that symbol to either decrease or amplify that feeling (clearly you would decrease negative feelings and increase pleasurable ones). At the end, you link positive feelings to yourself, and move into more intimate physical touch. There are a lot more details to know about how to do it properly, and these are well explained in the book.
The first time I used it this was in Korea with a super hot aerobics instructor (she looked liked Lucy Liu and had hair down to her waist). I used it to help her feel better about some things that were bothering her, even though I didn’t know her at all and would not normally be qualified to help. While there were other things I did to peak her attraction, I can definitely say that the Symbolic Morphology I did with her had the most profound effect of anything I did with her up to that point. We had just met, but within an hour of doing the Symbolic Morphology with her we were back in my hotel room having some of the most incredible sex ever.
I didn’t use Symbolic Morphology much since then, but after reading The October Man Sequence and listening to the supplementary audio tracks, I remembered how truly powerful it can be, and even more so when you put it all in the proper sequence.
So to sum it all up, from reading the book and from personal experience with the techniques it teaches, I can say for sure that this is a great product that can certainly do what it promises if you put the effort in to learn its parts and practice with it. It shouldn’t be your only tool, but it is by itself one of the most powerful single tools out there. So satisfy your curiosity and your sex drive at the same time, check out The October Man Sequence.
~Ray Devans (a.k.a. TokyoPUA), 2007-02-26
This woman is driving into a small town and slams on the brakes as a coyote runs across the road in front of her. Just as she regains her wits and gets ready to proceed, a cowboy runs right in front of her and catches the coyote by the hind legs and starts screwing it.
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"Oh my God!" she exclaims and drives into town to find the local law. She sees the local sheriff's car parked in front of the town bar.
"It figures," she says as she storms inside.
The first thing she notices is an old, old man with a long white beard sitting in the corner jacking off. She runs up to the sheriff who's sitting at the bar with his drink.
"What kind of sick town are you running here? I drive into town and almost run over some cowboy sodomizing an animal, and then I come in here and see this old man in the corner jacking off right in public!"
"Well, ma'am," the sheriff slowly replies, "You don't expect him to catch a coyote at his age, do ya?"
Lance Mason - 6 Easy Steps To A Hot Date
Vin Dicarlo - The Attraction Code
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IN10SE aka Twotimer
created OctoberMan
If you've ever read “The Game”, you know IN10se aka 'TwoTimer' and his forbidden NLP pattern: The October Man Sequence. Legend has it, saying these magic words will instantly get a girl so attracted to you, she will want to tear your clothes off, and take you home right away. And in this article, I'll reveal some of it's secret background, hidden psychology, and even tell you how to see the one – and only – Demonstration of The Octoberman Sequence ever recorded on video.
But you have to hang out with Twotimer and me some time. We've been sarging with Ross Jeffries a lot. Yeah, I use a canned opener, then I elicit her values and find out her trance words. And then I go into one of the secret patterns. Do you know the October Man sequence? - Strauss, Neil. The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists. 1st ed. 2005. p.39.
This book is about Charisma ? among other things. It’s about skillful human interaction and most of all, about “Game”.
So what is this thing called “Game”?
Well, have you ever interacted with someone that you were just drawn to? Maybe you felt an underlying sense of trust and comfort, and maybe there was certain “smoothness” in the way that they interacted with people and the way that conversation just “flowed”? And people were just drawn to this person – naturally. And the more time that you spend with this person, the more you feel a connection – like both of you are coming from the same place… where time just seems to stop and you’re completely wrapped up in the moment – engaged and captivated.
Having “Game” is about being able to create these kinds of connections wherever you go – with whoever you meet. Now how would you like to have more Game?
The underlying principles discussed in this book can be used in virtually any social context – from dating, to the job, to social interactions with friends.
Whatever experience level you have, whatever strengths and weaknesses you may have, whether you are a virgin or a Don Juan, the stage has been set for you to perform at your highest capacity Us Army Military Leadership" is about getting out there and getting it done. You will become a very weird person, you will give up your friends, and you will find it hard to have a normal relationship with a woman. "Us Army Military Leadership" is about getting out there and getting it done. It will be a more comfortable, experienced, knowledgeable and interesting self so by then it is fine."
Some have never had luck with women, some have come out of a long relationship, some just would like to be a bit more in control of their love life. But the result is the same - the ability to attract and seduce women. There is a right way to go about it and a wrong way however. Think of it like going to Pua University, come for a few months, learn the stuff (go out sarging and being weird and lying) then go back to the real world. Ad For Conversational Hypnosis" have mainstream success. A good introduction. Good story, useable knowledge. "Ad For Conversational Hypnosis" - is the definitive work on the art of the pickup."
According to Igor Ledochowski, the clandestine society of men he describes here take wagers in clubs and bars throughout the Western world over just who can chalk up the most Casanova-like quantities of pickups and seductions. Deep Trance Training Contents" - the great work on seduction, bar none. There is a right way to go about it and a wrong way however. "Deep Trance Training Contents" - a fantastic work with great insights into impro and status. It is teach average guys how to approach, attract and begin intimate relationships with beautiful women."
It is the how to guide that most men should read. Igor Ledochowski outlines a learnable process that guarantees to make all men more attractive, more confident and opens the door to all the pleasure they can handle. Igor Ledochowski tried and tested in the real world, and will work for you. Igor Ledochowski developed his unique methods over years of observing social dynamics and interacting with women in to learn how to overcome the guard that many women put up to deflect come-ons from average frustrated chumps. According to Igor Ledochowski, the clandestine society of men he describes here take wagers in clubs and bars throughout the Western world over just who can chalk up the most Casanova-like quantities of pickups and seductions. Street Hypnosis Mentalism Course Notes" is about relationships, body language and how we relate to each other."
There is a right way to go about it and a wrong way however. Nlp techniques, psychology secrets - you must understand woman before you will start approach. Fantatic work, which allows you to cold read for real. According to Igor Ledochowski, the clandestine society of men he describes here take wagers in clubs and bars throughout the Western world over just who can chalk up the most Casanova-like quantities of pickups and seductions. You will learn some definately new perpectives on the whole women situation.
Ian Rowlands, Full Facts Book of Cold Reading". This is the only Cold Reading book endorsed by Derren Brown, and the one which provided all the source material for one of Derren's earliest TV appearances. So if you want the real work, this is the book.
So what's all the fuss about?
Cold Reading is the most powerful inter-active psychological technique in the world. It is useful in selling, business negotiations, interviews, presentations and even romance! If you want to influence what another person thinks and feels about you, cold reading is the most effective technique in the world.
Cold reading is also often used by people who pretend they give 'psychic' readings, and it enables them to give 'amazingly accurate' readings to complete strangers. Read more about What is cold reading?.
I have given more test conditions demonstrations that cold reading works than anyone else in the world. On a BBC documentary, two women said my readings were "99.9%" and "95%" accurate! See Demonstrations under test conditions. In my demonstrations, I always tell the truth in the end so that no-one is left thinking I'm really psychic.
This is the definitive book on cold reading. It explains everything there is to know about this limitless technique! How can you apparently tell complete strangers about names, dates and events that mean something to them? In business, how can you seemingly get inside the mind of every lead, customer, client, colleague and rival? This book explains all, and is the most authoritative ever written on the subject."
For every man who always wondered why some guys have all the luck, Hunting Fox, considered by many to be the world greatest pickup artist, finally reveals his secrets for finding and forming relationships with some of the world most beautiful women. It is the how to guide that most men should read. You will learn some definately new perpectives on the whole women situation. You will learn some definately new perpectives on the whole women situation. According to Hunting Fox, the clandestine society of men he describes here take wagers in clubs and bars throughout the Western world over just who can chalk up the most Casanova-like quantities of pickups and seductions.
Nlp techniques, psychology secrets - you must understand woman before you will start approach. The Don Juan Book" - good material when you are starting out and might run out of things to say. "The Don Juan Book" - a fantastic work with great insights into impro and status. "The Don Juan Book" - is the definitive work on the art of the pickup. This is where most people journey begins."
Red Hot Cold Reading" - good material when you are starting out and might run out of things to say. Herb Dewey outlines a learnable process that guarantees to make all men more attractive, more confident and opens the door to all the pleasure they can handle. Herb Dewey tried and tested in the real world, and will work for you. The world of excess presented here is not one most of us move in, but (if the truth were told) it has its irresistible attractions. "Red Hot Cold Reading" - is the definitive work on the art of the pickup. Fantatic work, which allows you to cold read for real."
The main focus of this ebook is learning about the most important elements in setting and achieving your vision for your life. These fundamental life skills that are the key to
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You will learn some definately new perpectives on the whole women situation. Some have never had luck with women, some have come out of a long relationship, some just would like to be a bit more in control of their love life. But the result is the same - the ability to attract and seduce women. Immerse yourself, try everything, but pick and mix, find the stuff that is right for YOU, for your personality, that you feel comfortable with. This is where most people journey begins. The world of excess presented here is not one most of us move in, but (if the truth were told) it has its irresistible attractions.
Vice versa, if a guy teaches women how to date, he is a fraud and just trying to cash in on the market. Yet, since 90% of the dating coaches are women, the problem for the guys is much greater then for the women. Women cannot and will not teach a guy how to meet women, she will teach him how to be wussy, how to supplicate and how to be a rug on whom women can walk. You should watch some of the videos. Here is a great example of why women can't give advice to men on meeting women.
Even if women has some common sense on teaching guy how to date, she doesn't have ANY experience. Only if she is a lesbian, then i will give her credit, since at least she experienced approach. Although i still think lesbians have an easy time meeting women, for various reasons, such us girl wont have a shield up when other girl approaches. So lesbian gets a maybe nod, still not as good as guys coach, but close.
This is why pick up artists are doing so well now, because what dating coaches teach now (90% women) are at best case scenario wont help, and in worst case scenario make guy much less confident and even more self conscious. At least pick up artists teach how to be ballzy and confident, women teach how to be a wuss. I will go as far as to say, bad pick up artist coach is 10xtimes better then good female coach. Women are in the field of teaching guys how to meet women,only for the money. period.Sign up for Pick up Future RSS feed.
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Birth Control Choices" - a fantastic work with great insights into impro and status. Some have never had luck with women, some have come out of a long relationship, some just would like to be a bit more in control of their love life. But the result is the same - the ability to attract and seduce women. Think of it like going to Pua University, come for a few months, learn the stuff (go out sarging and being weird and lying) then go back to the real world. For every man who always wondered why some guys have all the luck, Helen Ferry, considered by many to be the world greatest pickup artist, finally reveals his secrets for finding and forming relationships with some of the world most beautiful women. Whatever experience level you have, whatever strengths and weaknesses you may have, whether you are a virgin or a Don Juan, the stage has been set for you to perform at your highest capacity"
Nlp is not necessary for pick up but it is good for your own confidence and language patterns etc, and can be used. The Challenge is simply what works best and fastest. Birth Control Pills" is about getting out there and getting it done. All wannabee Puas should do some acting training, it will make them better. All wannabee Puas should do some acting training, it will make them better."
Caring For Someone With Aids" is about getting out there and getting it done. "Caring For Someone With Aids" - is the definitive work on the art of the pickup. "Caring For Someone With Aids" - a fantastic work with great insights into impro and status. Nlp is not necessary for pick up but it is good for your own confidence and language patterns etc, and can be used. Helen Ferry developed his unique methods over years of observing social dynamics and interacting with women in to learn how to overcome the guard that many women put up to deflect come-ons from average frustrated chumps."
Caring Safely For People With Hiv Or Aids" is about getting out there and getting it done. For every man who always wondered why some guys have all the luck, Helen Ferry, considered by many to be the world greatest pickup artist, finally reveals his secrets for finding and forming relationships with some of the world most beautiful women. There is no one magic formula that is perfect for everybody, find the one that is right for you. "Caring Safely For People With Hiv Or Aids" have mainstream success. A good introduction. Good story, useable knowledge. Whatever experience level you have, whatever strengths and weaknesses you may have, whether you are a virgin or a Don Juan, the stage has been set for you to perform at your highest capacity"
In time, have the ambition of becoming more natural, becoming more yourself. According to Helen Ferry, the clandestine society of men he describes here take wagers in clubs and bars throughout the Western world over just who can chalk up the most Casanova-like quantities of pickups and seductions. Depo Provera" have mainstream success. A good introduction. Good story, useable knowledge. You will become a very weird person, you will give up your friends, and you will find it hard to have a normal relationship with a woman. "Depo Provera" is about relationships, body language and how we relate to each other."
Make Every Man Want You (or Make Yours Want You More): How To Be So Damn Irresistible You'll Barely Keep From Dating Yourself!
Suggested free e-books to read: By Marie Forleo
According to KELLY RIPA, " Make Every Man Want "gives every woman the tools she needs to unlock her inner magnet". Yeah, because life is so hard for KELLY RIPA, that fat, ugly, poor, boring woman. I kid" Every Man Want You" actually a great read and tells it like it is. And that might be hard to take for women who are constantly in denial. For example, MARIE FORLEO says, "Here's a tip: If you think you look fat in a particular outfit, you probably do". Hallelujah! A woman who refuses to let other women live in denial.
All in all, MARIE FORLEO advises women to get their own lives, only then will men gravitate towards them. So if you spend all your time giving men your all and putting yourself by the wayside, it's time you got busy and started planning things for yourself. Go out with the girls, get a massage, and start training for a triathlon so you don't have to keep wondering if you look fat in those pants. That's right, I said it!
Overall, Marie Forleo offers readers a well-written and informative book that advises women on what it really takes to snag a man. And you know what? It's really not rocket science.
Jeff Davidson - Alpha Books 10 Minute Guide To Managing Your Time
Leil Lowndes - How To Make Anyone Fall In Love With You
Keywords: marius secrets course burton determining frames right online kenton reading excellence 1985 seminars woman vaginas communication skills woman pays gets ways to get a girl to like you text phone game looking date
Think of it like going to Pua University, come for a few months, learn the stuff (go out sarging and being weird and lying) then go back to the real world. This is where most people journey begins. The Get The Facts About Condoms" is a simple, easy-to-follow guide to the basics of approaching and attracting women. There is a right way to go about it and a wrong way however. This is where most people journey begins."
It is teach average guys how to approach, attract and begin intimate relationships with beautiful women. Nlp is not necessary for pick up but it is good for your own confidence and language patterns etc, and can be used. It will be a more comfortable, experienced, knowledgeable and interesting self so by then it is fine. The Challenge is simply what works best and fastest. You will become a very weird person, you will give up your friends, and you will find it hard to have a normal relationship with a woman.
Nlp is not necessary for pick up but it is good for your own confidence and language patterns etc, and can be used. The Challenge is simply what works best and fastest. It will be a more comfortable, experienced, knowledgeable and interesting self so by then it is fine. Whatever experience level you have, whatever strengths and weaknesses you may have, whether you are a virgin or a Don Juan, the stage has been set for you to perform at your highest capacity The Challenge is simply what works best and fastest.
What I Need To Know About Hepatitis B1" is about relationships, body language and how we relate to each other. The Challenge is simply what works best and fastest. This is where most people journey begins. Nlp is not necessary for pick up but it is good for your own confidence and language patterns etc, and can be used. All wannabee Puas should do some acting training, it will make them better."
Some have never had luck with women, some have come out of a long relationship, some just would like to be a bit more in control of their love life. But the result is the same - the ability to attract and seduce women. The Challenge is simply what works best and fastest. Nlp techniques, psychology secrets - you must understand woman before you will start approach. What I Need To Know About Hepatitis C1" have mainstream success. A good introduction. Good story, useable knowledge. Fantatic work, which allows you to cold read for real."
A solid, zero bullshit, hard core PUA who has known phenomenal success with women. He's actually a seduction community pioneer who has laid the groundwork for many of today's 'trend of the day' pickup schools.
A solid, zero bullshit, hard core PUA who has known phenomenal success with women. He's actually a seduction community pioneer who has laid the groundwork for many of today's 'trend of the day' pickup schools.
A solid, zero bullshit, hard core PUA who has known phenomenal success with women. He's actually a seduction community pioneer who has laid the groundwork for many of today's 'trend of the day' pickup schools.
The book begins with a table of contents outlining each section. The chapters are short, therefore there are a total of 347 chapters (some just a page in length), a few pages about the author and an Index located at the end of the book.
The book literally gives you 1001 ideas that will bring romance back into your life. Each idea is given a number. Some numbers represent things you can do, while others may take the form of Ideas.
For example, #29..The Ten Commandments for Loving Couples lists the ten things that couples should follow.
I particularly liked sections #163 and #164...entitled Never, Never, Never.
~Never, never, never wallpaper together.
~Never, never, never embarrass him in public.
~Never, never, never refer to your wife as My Old Lady."
These are just a few of the examples listed in that section.
As I mentioned, some of the numbers represent ideas like #189..listed under the heading of "Travel Tips":
Sneak off to the airport the night before she's going to leave for a trip. Take one red rose. Rent one of those small storage lockers in the terminal. Put the flower in the locker. Sneak back home. Just before she leaves for the airport, hand her the key to the storage locker.
I think this is a great idea, of course you'd have to live pretty close to the airport to pull this one off!
Throughout the book there are also cute cartoons as well as a list of the 99 Best Love Songs of the Twentieth Century, Songs to Express Your Feelings, Best Romantic Comedies and Great Date Movies. This book has a little bit of everything. It is written so that it is useful to both the male and female reader.
The book is written in the simplest of terms so anyone can understand it. It is mostly common sense, but sometimes we just need a little reminding when it comes to romance.
It is seldom a complaint of men that women are "not romantic enough" - however, the reverse is often true - women complain frequently that the men in their lives are not romantic, not attentive, not caring......
That this book was written by a man not only shows that romance is a 'mindset' - but that men really do have and can tap into that romantic side. The author comes right out and says that 'Love may make the world go round, but it is "romantic love" that makes the ride worthwhile.'
It might "seem" like enough, to be able to say that you love someone. Even an intimate caring loving relationship, it might be but while Love is the foundation of a relationship, Romance is the expression of that love. It makes life sparkle.
The good news is that ANY relationship can be invigorated and inspired by the addition of even a tiny bit of romance - the GREAT news is that a tiny bit of romance lights a spark, that can become a warming, nurturing flame - or like a snowball rolling down a hill - it grows as it moves forward....and this book can help you find it.
If you want to surprise your partner with some of the fun suggestions sneak away to read this book and keep it a secret. My husband and I have found to enjoy reading it together during what we call our "couch" time. That is the hour or so after the kids are in bed when we have that little time to sit and have adult conversation and peace and quiet! Of course we love our children, but that little quiet time sometimes is so meaningful after a busy day or a long stressful week. We have found many of the suggestions to be funny that we would just sit together reading and laughing at the stories, and passages in this book.
It is not a book that you will pick up and read from cover to cover before putting it down. It is more of the type of book that you will skim through the pages and pick it up time and again. I might read a few pages, skip around, or look in the index to find a specific topic, then put it away until later. It's a fun book, and one well worth having in your library. I have a passion [sorry for the pun] for self-help and reference books, on topics ranging from cooking & cleaning, to child rearing, to Love and Romance.
So, if you find yourself stuck in that state of "comfortability" and want to spice up your romance a little do purchase this book for your collection. thing I wouldn't suggest is that you purchase this book as a gift for your Significant other! Reason being, they might just take it the wrong way as if you are saying they aren't romantic enough. Big No No... My husband even laughed when he saw that I had ordered it asking if I thought he wasn't romantic. I'm lucky I have one of those "sensitive" type men, who isn't ashamed to cry if he is hurting, or laugh when he's being silly, so I classify him in a category that he is a romantic at heart, sometimes they just need to be reminded... Oops that just got me a lot of NH's from the guys. All joking aside, most men do have a romantic side, they just sometimes are afraid to show it. This book will enlighten you to ways to be romantic for both men and women with some ways that are so simple we wouldn't even think of doing.

Grant Adams’s Net2Bed Net2Wed System is promoted as a way for men to seduce women online, so that by “the time he finally meets her, she's already his”- which is clearly a fantasy come true for many of us. This is because many of us don’t know how to make our profile stand out on these sites, many of which literally have thousands of men on them all vying for the same women. This is where Adams system comes into play, because he has broken down the different methods and hand picked the ones that work the best.
This rise in internet dating forces men to really “talk” to women, without the distractions bar or other social arenas provide. Grant Adams notes that most guys “write and speak to women just like they speak to other guys”, which means that they give facts and lists of their accomplishments. They also unknowingly create profiles that lack allure or an arousal factor, which is a tactic that usually gets them nowhere fast.
In his system Adams teaches men how to use the “sensual and luxuriant language” most women respond to, so they can get the edge in this arena. Standing out is actually a concept that was made famous by Mystery, one of the most well known Pick Up Artists of our time. He called it “peacocking. This concept is all about “standing out” immediately from other guys, however, Mystery used this in the in person arena.
Sexual Lifestyle
Adams has also written many different articles on this subject which are available for free, and in fact they are good reads-dispensing some interesting advice. These articles include topics such as Four Reasons Why Men Should Meet Women Online, How Men Can Use Dynamic Language to Attract Women Effectively, Girls, Games and Keeping Score, Defect From An Army Of Dilberts, and The Two Most Important Things Men Need To Know. These articles help men navigate the waters of internet dating-for free, and in fact they address many of the same topics addressed in this book. "
Get cheap books for Pickup Artists
All About Women - The Encyclopedia of Seduction is a great all-round Dating Advice eBook. Writing as an authority on the subject, Giuseppe Notte breaks his book down into four straight-forward areas.
* Get Inside The Mind of a Girl
Notte shows you how lame you've probably been acting all this time. A real eye-opener.
* Act Like a Man
How real men act, everything from style to body language.
* The What/Where/When
Most Dating Advice eBooks have this section, but Notte's spells it out much more clearly than most. Also includes a very handy chapter on 'Getting Her Number' - something vital that is often overlooked.
* From First Dates To Having Sex
Everything you need to know to ensure you make it to the bedroom. How to act on a first date, how to know if she is ready to get physical, getting her in the mood, etc.
This last part was the clincher for us. It really makes it clear exactly what you have to do in order to score. Be sure to combine this with the second bonus 'How To Spice Up Your Sexual Life' - a must-read if you want to take things further.
Notte is fast becoming an authority on this topic. Although it would be great if he wrote a complimentary newsletter as well, All About Women is seriously challenging Double Your Dating as our favourite book.
George Anderson developed his unique methods over years of observing social dynamics and interacting with women in to learn how to overcome the guard that many women put up to deflect come-ons from average frustrated chumps. Now it is easy to meet anyone you want; and, smile. The world of excess presented here is not one most of us move in, but (if the truth were told) it has its irresistible attractions. There is no one magic formula that is perfect for everybody, find the one that is right for you. It is hard work to learn it all but you will see results long before you are a master.
Geoffrey Miller outlines a learnable process that guarantees to make all men more attractive, more confident and opens the door to all the pleasure they can handle. Geoffrey Miller tried and tested in the real world, and will work for you. The Challenge is simply what works best and fastest. There is no one magic formula that is perfect for everybody, find the one that is right for you. The Mating Mind" - is the definitive work on the art of the pickup. "The Mating Mind" - good material when you are starting out and might run out of things to say."
After attending West Point for undergraduate university (where Geoff became the 'official military lady's man'), Geoff went to work for Tony Robbins as a business associate of one of Robbins' Trainers.
After traveling around North America learning how to produce amazing results in his life and the lives of others, Geoff winged with Tyler and other Executive Coaches in the hottest venues of the infamous Sunset Strip.
Afterwards, it became apparent that Geoff was definitely someone who would make a high-calibre Instructor. So Geoff was initiated into the RSD Executive Coach training program and then nominated to become the present Operations Manager of the Project Hollywood Mansion.
His dedication to the mission, core values, and ideals of the RSD crew thoroughly impressed Senior Management, and he was invited to join the Real Social Dynamics team to travel to Europe to attend a thorough international field training program to become an Executive Coach.
I made a lot of progress. It's been the longest journey to get the results that I've wanted, and this program has been the first step in all that...Geoff is great in every way...I have seen amazing things, have advanced massively even though I have a long way to go. I'd say these 3 days have cut off years from my learning curve."
- Jim R. of Minneapolis, MN, USA
Now, Geoff lives in Los Angeles and will share with you his secrets on how to attract and seduce the women of your dreams. With his sniper-sharp wit and aggressive demeanor, Geoff teaches men how to attract with using a simple and unique style.
Working with Geoff, clients will experience his passion and love for giving a 100% committed effort to helping students achieve lasting success with the women they've always wanted. Students that are really interested in getting their game up to speed may receive individualized training with Geoff.
"The guys that I knew would do well got even more exceptional results than prior to the program, and increased their knowledge and choice to unbelievable levels. Going out with the RSD instructors, you feel like you're in the hands of complete experts. They take control of the experience and make sure that you learn everything that you'll need to know to get the same results. These guys are the real deal. I had no idea that anything like this even existed. You HAVE to see it done in real life. No amount of reading theory can replace the live experience. Once you've seen it done, it becomes so easy because it's just a matter of replicating what you learned as you watched it go down right in front of you. The best part about it was that seeing it done made me realize how NORMAL it is to do this. It's completely natural. My life has definitely changed. Take the program, and get this area of your life mastered."
- Paul W. of Hong Kong, China"
After attending West Point for undergraduate university (where Geoff became the 'official military lady's man'), Geoff went to work for Tony Robbins as a business associate of one of Robbins' Trainers.
After traveling around North America learning how to produce amazing results in his life and the lives of others, Geoff winged with Tyler and other Executive Coaches in the hottest venues of the infamous Sunset Strip.
Afterwards, it became apparent that Geoff was definitely someone who would make a high-calibre Instructor. So Geoff was initiated into the RSD Executive Coach training program and then nominated to become the present Operations Manager of the Project Hollywood Mansion.
His dedication to the mission, core values, and ideals of the RSD crew thoroughly impressed Senior Management, and he was invited to join the Real Social Dynamics team to travel to Europe to attend a thorough international field training program to become an Executive Coach.
I made a lot of progress. It's been the longest journey to get the results that I've wanted, and this program has been the first step in all that...Geoff is great in every way...I have seen amazing things, have advanced massively even though I have a long way to go. I'd say these 3 days have cut off years from my learning curve."
- Jim R. of Minneapolis, MN, USA
Now, Geoff lives in Los Angeles and will share with you his secrets on how to attract and seduce the women of your dreams. With his sniper-sharp wit and aggressive demeanor, Geoff teaches men how to attract with using a simple and unique style.
Working with Geoff, clients will experience his passion and love for giving a 100% committed effort to helping students achieve lasting success with the women they've always wanted. Students that are really interested in getting their game up to speed may receive individualized training with Geoff.
"The guys that I knew would do well got even more exceptional results than prior to the program, and increased their knowledge and choice to unbelievable levels. Going out with the RSD instructors, you feel like you're in the hands of complete experts. They take control of the experience and make sure that you learn everything that you'll need to know to get the same results. These guys are the real deal. I had no idea that anything like this even existed. You HAVE to see it done in real life. No amount of reading theory can replace the live experience. Once you've seen it done, it becomes so easy because it's just a matter of replicating what you learned as you watched it go down right in front of you. The best part about it was that seeing it done made me realize how NORMAL it is to do this. It's completely natural. My life has definitely changed. Take the program, and get this area of your life mastered."
- Paul W. of Hong Kong, China"
Men have been trying to figure women out forever. There have been countless books written on the subject over the years, and many of them seemed to work. This is hude catalog, download them, buy them, test them and post the results in comments...