Woman Pays Gets Mad

Woman Pays Gets Mad Cover
Dating Question: I went out on a date with girl and we had a great time. I paid for dinner and drinks afterwards, and then we ended up at her place, where we almost had sex (I stopped it).

So we went out again, but this time she called and asked me out. So when the bill came after dinner, and she said "oh, let me...", and, well, I let her. I figured if she did the asking, she should do the paying. She chose the 5-star restaurant, after all.

Needless to say, she paid with an attitude and then told me she was "tired" and wanted to go home.

Was I wrong to figure she should pay?


No, Bill, you were spot on. It's good that you got to know what this woman was really about by the second date instead of seeing her true colors months down the line.

She asked, she even offered to pay, so the moment you agreed with what she was already saying, she got upset?!? How does that even make sense? All this tells you that she expects the man to pay all the time and never says what she means.

Who needs a woman like that?



I'm dating this guy who has 2 young children and an ex-wife with an attitude. She is constantly using his kids as leverage and threatens him every time she wants something.

It's obvious she still loves him because she all but told me so.

My question is: Should I bother sticking around to see what this will become or should I bolt? I don't want no baby mama drama.


Ah, yes, the kids and the ex, always a party. I can't really tell you what to do here. It all comes down to what you're willing to put up with and how badly you want this man in your life.

You haven't said anything negative about him and his kids, so I'm assuming you have no issues with them. But an ex-wife who is still hung up on her ex and uses his kids to hurt him does not sound like a good time.

It's up to you to decide: Do you want to deal with a woman who is still in love with her ex and has a hold on him because they share 2 children, or would you prefer to find a man who doesn't have this kind of baggage?

The ball is in your court.


Suggested free e-books to read:

Kevin Bates - Any Woman Anywhere
Anthony Berger - Chick Managament Mba
Maniac High - How To Lays Girls Guide

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