C Kellogg - How To Get A Girlfriend The Seven Essential Skills For Attract Woman Of You Dreams (1.4 MB)

C Kellogg - How To Get A Girlfriend The Seven Essential Skills For Attract Woman Of You Dreams Cover The first part of this book discusses the necessary components of a confident, secure, attractive inner life. Women are very sensitive to the energy or “vibe” that a man has. Without a solid and centered inner life, a man projects insecurity and fear to the world. Women can intuit this, and will screen him out of her romantic options. The second part of this book covers the external areas you need to get handled: engaging women in conversation owning a stylish, attractive look mastering flirting, teasing and storytelling complimenting women and living an attractive lifestyle. Let’s get started now with the first, and most critical idea you must grasp – what is your purpose?

The aim of this book is to help you understand what it means to be an attractive man, and to teach you how to swiftly incorporate those skills into your life. Honestly, this is THE book I needed when I entered the dating community.

How do most guys meet women? Through their social circle, right? You are at a party thrown by a friend of yours, and there are lots of people there, including this cute girl who is a friend of a friend. Next thing you know, you are talking with her, you are into her and she is into you. You have her phone number, you give her a call, you go out on a date…this scenario happens DAILY. I would even say it happens HOURLY guys! I help you master this topic in great detail in Chapter IV. Ever want to be the coolest guy in your social circle? Well, you’re about to be.

Also, I will even give you the simple, easy skills you need to meet women anytime and anywhere. With this ebook, you will learn those TOO. I understand how it is, you are out with friends, and there “she” is. You want to meet her, and you want a simple plan of action to follow. I will give you that too. It is easy, and highly effective. Meeting women is NOT rocket science guys. I have learned every trick in the book, and saved only the ones that WORK.

Become an attractive man by understanding the concepts I am about to outline in this book, and watch your success with women skyrocket. If I could use one word to describe the essence of these skills, it would be “autonomy”.

An autonomous man is one who is self-governing and independent. He appreciates and enjoys others, and he is truly LIVING his own life. He selects who he spends time with socially, and he is pursuing his career with passion and determination. He sees challenges rather than problems. He is not immune to failure or pain, but he is willing to face these things and take responsibility for where he has gone wrong. Everything in life is seen as a positive experience. He is a source of positive emotions around his friends and loved-ones. He gives and receives love freely, and is willing to be vulnerable even if it means getting hurt. He understands how to communicate with people in such a way that is inviting and positive. He is willing to risk, and willing to risk being honest when it counts the most. He lives in his own reality, and is the sovereign over all of his decisions. In short, he is the kind of guy that women hope to meet their entire lives…he is a man, in the truest sense. These are the skills that this book describes, and that you can learn by applying the principles I discuss in each chapter. Wouldn’t you enjoy walking through life feeling the benefits of true autonomy, relying on nothing outside of yourself to bring you happiness?

Buy C Kellogg - How To Get A Girlfriend The Seven Essential Skills For Attract Woman Of You Dreams ($6.2)


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