Now, that's a book worth spending time with.
I was recently sent such a book to review and it's my pleasure to do so today. The book is LIFE IS A BUSINESS! MANAGE IT BETTER SO YOU'LL ENJOY IT MORE by Charles E. Cox, Jr. and it is a fascinating read from cover to cover.
The Fortune 500 Life is achieved by recognizing that every step needed to build a successful personal life emulates every step CEOs take to build a successful business-you simply need to learn what they are and how to apply them. And that's exactly what the upcoming book "Life Is A Business! Manage It Better So You'll Enjoy It More" is designed to do.
Authored by Charles E. Cox, Jr., "Life Is A Business! Manage It Better So You'll Enjoy It More" is the first in "The Fortune 500 Life" book series. Demonstrating parallels between running a successful business and managing a successful life, this book profiles current Fortune 500 companies to showcase nine key principles that relate to and impact your personal life.
Considered a "Life Improvement" book, Life is a Business! is designed to appeal to everyday working class people who often struggle to manage their personal lives. These struggles can be overcome when recognizing that "life is a business" - life and business challenges are strikingly similar and nearly every life decision is a business decision.
Charles E. Cox, Jr. Is a native of Minnesota's Twin Cities. He is an author, speaker, phil-an-thropist and ser-ial entre-pre-neur with a pas-sion for help-ing peo-ple of all ages and race find their inner strength through finan-cial sta-bil-ity, entre-pre-neurism and over-all finan-cial lit-er-acy. Charles believes that the com-bi-na-tion of a solid edu-ca-tion with a deep under-stand-ing and respect for the mon-e-tary impacts on life will help all peo-ple on their jour-ney to pros-per-ity. Charles' entre-pre-neur-ial spirit has led him to spend the last fif-teen years of his career seek-ing chal-leng-ing oppor-tu-ni-ties in real estate invest-ment and sales, devel-op-ment and ven-ture cap-i-tal-ism. Charles has also man-aged careers in con-struc-tion, as a licensed gen-eral con-trac-tor and elec-tri-cian in the state of Minnesota. - From Life is a Business
In Life is a Business, Charles E. Cox, Jr. lays out 9 KEY PRINCIPLES TO A PROSPEROUS LIFE
* VISION/MISSION. Create a clear vision of what you want for your life.
* SUSTAINABLE GROWTH AND EDUCATION. Keep strong, steady growth and a commitment to education at the forefront of your vision.
* FINANCIAL LITERACY & STABILITY. Commit to an ongoing quest to obtain and understand the truth about your finances so you can stabilize your financial health.
* HEALTH & WELLNESS. Maintain a healthy mind, body, and spirit.
* STRESS PRESSURE & CHANGE. Prepare for inevitable stress, pressure, and change so you can better manage your way through them.
* STEWARDSHIP/PHILANTHROPY. Serve your community to build a sense of community.
* VACATIONS. Plan and take vacations with your family.
* MARRIAGE. Enter marriage with the same caution and consideration as you would a business merger.
* PERSONAL IMAGE (REPUTATION). Build an honorable personal and professional reputation.
These 9 principles are "fleshed out" through the fast-paced book. Each principle includes what I'd call a "Call to Action" by the author, turning the book into an interactive journey which self help fanatics like me LOVE. I also loved the wonderful inspirational quotes sprinkled (very effectively) throughout the book. The quotes, the illustrations, and the fascinating comparisons between life and business make this a book that's honestly hard to put down.
I can't wait to read the next book in the series - the first one kicked things off beautifully and has left me wanting to hear what Mr. Cox has to say next!
I hope you'll visit the Life is a Business website and learn more about Charles E. Cox. He's the sort of person who will leave a lasting impression, and a wonderful one, at that.
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Book Review: Life is a Business
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